Sunday, September 25, 2016

Society's Ills and the 204 Prescription

Last week in class we talked about what's wrong with, and in,  society.  You all had some insightful comments, and a few of the most prominent ones were as follows:

  • closed-minded people
  • racism
  • a lack of acceptance
  • raising a nation of closed-minded racists 
  • sexism
  • deliberate (and enjoyed) ignorance
 Pick one or come up with a different one and talk about your experiences (or lack of, which is just as good of a story because the perspective is different) with it.  But, since we aren't a bunch of weepy, whiny weasels and we actually want to DO something (or at least enter the conversation which is in fact DOING something), talk about what you think can be done to either:

a) raise awareness of the issue

b) change the perception ABOUT the issue

c) fix the issue

Because, if not us--then who?

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Many teenagers don't read or listen to much world news.  Who can blame them, really? It's depressing.
 For example, there are still  stories all over the news about the Syrian refugee crisis, although that subject reached the apex of  emotional overload last year  when the images of a dead, Syrian toddler washed up on a Turkish beach went viral.

Many news media outlets were criticized for televising those images, especially MSNBC and CNN, because the common line of thought is that the American people just don't have the stomach for that sort of thing.  They might be right.
 But, do you think images that are disturbing, shocking and even terrifying SHOULD be made public?  I would like you to click on the link below. It will take you to a blog that I follow.  The picture I am referencing is contained within the post.  The post itself is interesting, and we probably will talk about it, but for now, you don't have to read it if you don' want to.  The picture is disturbing--there is no question about that.  You don't need to absorb the finer points of it if you don't want to.  The question I would like for you to consider and write about is this:
Should images that evoke such visceral (this means "of the gut" as in--gut-wrenching) reactions be made public?  What are the benefits?  The drawbacks?

Click here for the pic: Be warned--it is disturbing.