Monday, November 21, 2016

A Grateful Nation?

So, this year has not been kind. To any of us. AT all.

And, when things don't go well, when we're sad, when we think the universe is conspiring to ruin our good times, we tend to do a few things. We mope, or we complain, or we point fingers.  It's rare that when life hands you lemons, you give thought to the best lemonade recipe you know, even though that's what we try to do and it might even be what we say we do.  It just does not always work out like that.
What I want to be able to do, ideally, is look at a situation as an OPPORTUNITY.  Even those situatons that are working my nerves--I wish I was  able to be THANKFUL that I have a situation that can really test my problem-solving skills.
Wouldn't that be awesome? If I could look at it that way?  Imagine how my perspectives would shift about everything.  Nothing would be awful because everything would be a lesson in which I had a chance to learn something.
So, bottom line, I wish I was thankful for ALL opportunity, not just the ones that may provide immediate, tangible benefits.

So...your turn.
What do you WISH you could be thankful for?  How come you're not?  Can you see any way to change your own mind about it?

Monday, November 7, 2016

On the Eve of the Apocalypse...Some Points to Ponder

This week, please consider the following questions, and then respond with your insight and ideas.  Try to be as detailed as possible.

How do you think your generation views women in general?
Ask your parents or someone your parent's age how their generation viewed women.
Is there a difference?

Do you think people in general are mostly open-minded or closed-minded? Support your answer with examples.

Do you think there is a double standard in the way society views men and women? Explain.

We may as well get our views out now--just in case we aren't allowed to speak anymore after tomorrow...