Monday, November 7, 2016

On the Eve of the Apocalypse...Some Points to Ponder

This week, please consider the following questions, and then respond with your insight and ideas.  Try to be as detailed as possible.

How do you think your generation views women in general?
Ask your parents or someone your parent's age how their generation viewed women.
Is there a difference?

Do you think people in general are mostly open-minded or closed-minded? Support your answer with examples.

Do you think there is a double standard in the way society views men and women? Explain.

We may as well get our views out now--just in case we aren't allowed to speak anymore after tomorrow...


  1. To begin, our generation views women as tools or property. I do not view them as this, I value women more than I value men because of everything they go through. But this idea of women being viewed as tools/property comes from the olden days where women were strictly housewives, meaning they stayed home, cooked, cleaned, and took care of the children. Men use women for sex and use them as a tool for around the house. Meanwhile, men were known, and still are, as the breadwinners. This is why nowadays that women are going against what they have been known as, they are struggling. This will all change after today’s election though. There is no doubt in my mind that we will have our first female president and women will finally be treated equally. I say treated equally in the sense of, for example, being paid the same amount of men per hour when doing the same job. Referring back to the olden days, my mom, who is 64 I believe, could be considered a part of the olden days. When she was our age, it was okay for people not to go to college. To elaborate, if you had a job as a woman, after high school you would stay with that job and be a housewife as well. You weren’t really expected to go to college as a women when my mom was our age. Even men, if they had a decent job, after high school they didn’t really need to go to college. This has changed over the years now because in order for you to get a good job nowadays, you must go to college. To add, nowadays since women are leaving their set standard of being a housewife behind, they are expected much more. Both male and females are expected to go to college and have a good job nowadays. After Hillary Clinton becomes president, I believe women will be at the same plane field as men. Maybe not immediately, but eventually they definitely will be.  

    There are very few, if any, open-minded people left of this Earth. Everyone has their own opinion and if they believe they have evidence to back it up, they do not want to see anyone else’s perspective. This is why we constantly get mad with each other. We don’t seem to realize that everyone has a different perspective on things. Everyone is raised differently, so the way they think is different from the way you think. Society also almost teaches you to not be open-minded. For example, religion. There are many different and distinct religions out there but each religion forces you to only believe in theirs. For example, you can’t be Roman Catholic and Buddhist. They make you choose 1 certain religion. And sometimes you do not even have the liberty to choose because your parents are choosing for you. This also could relate to having a gay or lesbian child. A lot of parents would not accept for their child to be gay or lesbian. If they do turn out to be gay or lesbian, they will not accept them, almost forcing them to be straight. It’s almost like society does not want us to be open minded.

    1. Double standards are definitely shown throughout our society. The number 1 example is parents. For example, a boy might ask to go somewhere and there parents say “Yes, just be careful.” But if a girl asked that same question, there parents might have a fit and wonder why the hell would she even think of going there. Another great example is how males and females are viewed if they have a high body count (body count is how many people you have had sex with). A guy with a high body count is viewed more-so like a hero to other guys. Meanwhile if a girl has a high body count, she is viewed as a slut. I have no idea why it is viewed this way, but society makes it so. I believe it is unfair, but I believe we do not do anything about it. Even myself, as a parent, if I had 1 boy and 1 girl, I would be more protective over the girl. I guess it’s just in our nature. For example, if the boy lost his virginity I am giving him a high-5 and buying him some condoms. But if the girl loses her virginity I would not act the same way. But this is because of the double standard made by society. We all will fall into it without even realizing. I am going to try my best to not and if I do hopefully I realize it. Also, to clear up things, I would not kill or flip shit when my daughter lost her virginity. I just do not know how I would react to it. It definitely wouldn’t be the same way I would react to my son losing his virginity.


  2. Women have been viewed as the weaker sex for hundreds of years. Still to this day we are viewed as "weaker". I believe today women have more rights and respect than ever before. But this is still not enough. We are not considered equal we don't get paid the same amount to do the same job and I can't exactly comprehend how that is legal. As the times change so do the views of our citizens. I like to believe we are moving forward from when women were only allowed to be in the kitchen. We're about to have a women president (fingers crossed). Girls are expected to go to school and get an this country. We are making progress we are moving forward I just wish we could do it faster so everyone could be happy. My generation is wildly open minded. We have set the tone that you can be whoever you are without judgement. People like Caitlyn Jenner are paving the way for gender identity issues to be acknowledged and understood. Everyone is able to grow and learn in their own way and if someone feels the need to jeopardize that there are always people there to stand up for what's right.

  3. It's hard to choose a stance on how my generation views women on the basis that this generalization concerns my whole generation. However, although women now, more than ever, have rights that put them pretty dang close to being "equal" to men, they still are seen as the weaker sex. While my generation is slowly becoming the one to open society up to the idea that women are just as strong, intelligent, and capable as men, the rise of this notion still doesn't outweigh the set view of women that came about in the past. Which is why as a generalization of the majority, my generation still finds women below men and as objects with the purpose of making a man look good.
    Although the difference between the views of women, now and then, might be slim, it definitely is there. My generation is (hopefully) becoming the generation to finally change society's views concerning women, once and for all. Back then, in my mother's young times, women were expected to marry young, to stay at home and be a housewife, and to do everything for her husband. Now, times are finally changing as there are more women in the workforce and military, and many women are succeeding in their pursuit of higher education (the number of women attending college didn't equal the number of men attending college until the 1980s). Yet, although we can physically see the slow change of the way women are viewed from our parent's generation to ours, somethings don't change. For instance, my mother was born in the 60s and the one thing that is still going on today, as it did in the decade she was born in, was that women are still fighting for equal pay. Women are still not seen to be worth enough to be paid the same wages as men are, even though they work just as hard and maybe even harder.
    If we're talking about society as a whole, I'd say that we are in general mostly closed-minded (I mean just look how many people voted for Trump). But, if talking about my generation only I'd say that a good majority of us are open-minded. Everyone says that my generation is going to be the one to change everything and fix all the older generations' past mistakes. And I truly believe this. Everywhere you go you can see at least one young person making a change and doing something that can actually help the world at large; something one can't do if they are not open-minded. Whether it's attending Pride Parades all over the world from the USA to Africa to Asia for the LGBTQ community to protesting unjustly shootings of those of a different race, change can be seen because change is inevitable. Open-minded people set the movement of change and that's what my generation is going to do.

    1. Of course, there is a double standard in society when it comes to viewing men and women. But, it's definitely the older people of society. I used to get this treatment all the time from my parents when it came to me doing things and hanging out with friends. I only have one other sibling, my older brother, Stanley. Being two years older than me, he obviously was the first to go out and have fun with his friends on a daily basis during high school when he got his license. The only thing was that when it became my time to shine, my parents would refuse and tell me I couldn't do anything because I was a girl. That was their exact words. I wasn't allowed to drive anyone or even by myself when I first got my license because I was a girl. I wasn't allowed to go to the movies with my friends because I was a girl. I wasn't allowed to sleep over anyone's house because I was a girl. And every time they'd bring up a different news story about a girl in some other state who was kidnapped because she was out having fun. Yet, my brother was allowed to drive to his friend's house at 11 pm to hang out and sleep over as well as travel to other states with them without a single complaint. I don't blame my parents 100% for thinking this way, I blame the society they were raised in. Because women were never seen as equals to men, girls were never allowed to do anything boys did. It wasn't the right thing to do back then. But, the problem is that if girls, now, are repeatedly told that they can't do anything because they're not safe or because they're a girl, then they can either live a life of fear or they can refuse their parent's words and do everything in their power to get their parents to stop think that way. I did the latter. And I think many girls, who have to deal with the same type of parents that I once did, will do the same. Because my generation of girls who suffer from double standards will see the fault in them and refuse to become that type of parent in the future, effectively maybe ending double standards officially.

  4. I feel like my generation views women in two ways. One way: hoes, thots, etc. The second way: People who need love and to be treated like a princess. So many boys will automatically call a girl a hoe if they don’t want to engage in sexual activity with them, or if they do. Which to me is stupid because if it’s the other way and a guy “hoes” around he’s praised for it rather than bashed. And thennnnn, there’s those amazing group of guys/men who realize women are more than objects and a way to get sex- and praise women. Who see the battle women face and what they go through. Who cherish women. Besides that part, women are classified as skinny, thick, or fat. But it’s not like how it was back in the day- where a woman with curves wasn’t attractive. In society today, boys lovvvveeeeeee curves, and butts, and thighs. I feel like there's a mixture of open and closed minded people. A lot of people recognize that people should hear everyone’s side of the story, or hear what someone else thinks. But there’s also a lot of people in this world who believe only their way of thinking is the right way. Who don’t care what anyone else has to say. An example could be I don’t know a gay person. A close minded person who thinks gays are despicable. He/she won’t see why they could be so upset about certain situations/ events. Double standards have been around since back in the day. And it’s still around- and it’s still a thing today, maybe not as obvious but it is. A guy can go outside with no shirt on, and it’s not a problem. If a girl goes outside with no shirt on- or a sports bra, she’s disgusting, and oh my god where is her self respect. A guy doesn’t have to worry about if what he wears will attract a rapist. Or better yet, what did a girl wear during the time of her rape? A guy can be going to a party or staying at a friends house and a bunch of girls can be there. A girl can’t go hang out with a bunch of boys because automatically she’ll be a hoe. “Who’s going to be at the house? Where is the house? I need to talk to the parents first.” etc. I wish double standard wasn’t a thing, but unfortunately it’ll always be around.

  5. It’s the twenty first century and I still wonder why the topic of women in society is currently still an issue. Women in society is a past issue and should not be discussed or questioned to this day. As of right now, the thought of equality between women and men should not even be a question. Women can do whatever men can do and vice-versa. The thought of this apparent never-ending concept still being a nationwide discussion just baffles me because this country would not be in such bad shape if we solved problems when they were supposed to be solved, like women’s rights.
    I do not like speaking for my generation as a whole because I feel as if I can not represent everyone of us properly, due to me not being able to relate to every single one of us. However, for the purpose of this blog I have to. Generally speaking, I feel our generation views women depending on what gender you are. Women and men have different views when it comes to the topic of women. For example, boys our age treat women almost as property by either claiming them by saying “you’re mine” or “let me wife you up”. In doing so, they aren’t even looking at women as humans anymore but as actual property. However, that is not just the men’s fault because women play along with it and do not see the major problem within it all. What happens is that they get distracted by a boy they like or the fact that he is actually talking to her. Then women view women, hopefully, as important contributors to society, that’s how I see us as anyways. We are no longer the stereotypical “caretakers” or “housewives” anymore, we are doctors and businesswomen and leaders. As it goes for our generation, I hope when we are older the subject of women’s rights and equality will no longer need to be fought for.
    My parent’s generation views women the same but different than my generation at the same time. For instance, what our generations has in common is the fact that both males in both generations think of women as property. But in my parent’s generation they see women as tools for caretaking and cooking and cleaning, and not even as human beings. Therefore, my parent’s generation views women more harshly due to the time period where their parents were raised causing their parents to raise my parents with the same mentality. And the women in my parent’s generation do not know any other way of living because that is what they are accustomed to and learned when their parents raised them.
    In either generation, mine or my parent’s, mostly everyone are closed-minded people because that is how everyone was raised. But then causes pre descending generations to continue to raise their children closed-mindedly because that is how they were raised. For example, if they are not for interracial relationships, or being gay, or against abortion, then they will raise their children to think like that too and so on. That is why I think there are more closed-minded people in this world because we continue to raise generations of closed-minded people.

    1. There is always a double standard when it comes to men and women or anything in general. For example, when my brother asks my parents to do something they will say ‘yes’, but when I ask to do the same thing, most of the time they will say ‘no’. If that is not a double standard I do not know what is. Other examples of double standards are in the workplace, for instance, if a man and woman are competing for a more intense, physical labor job, the employer may see the male as the better choice for the position just because he is a guy. Which does not make any sense, because in all reality the female is most likely more suited for the job because she probably came more prepared than the male. That is why I am opposed to double standards because most of the time they are false in how society views men and would, which is closed-mindedly by the way.
      After this election, I am almost certain that the issues revolving around women will not go away, even though I hope they do. I just want to live in a world where there are no closed-minded people who think through double standards. Also, in a world where men and women can be looked at equally, like they are supposed to be. This may seem like a lot to ask and hope for, but like I said earlier, we are in the twenty-first century and we should already be thinking like this anyway.

  6. In my opinion, in my very strong opinion, my generation views women in the worst way possible. All they view women as is toys. Whenever they want them, they want multiple at a time. When they don’t want any at all, they bash them. When a woman does something they don’t accept, they automatically jump to, “she’s a whore” “she’s been with too many guys.” BUT THEY’RE THE ONES SLEEPING AROUND EVERY DAY HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES. But it just so happens that it’s only acceptable for them, not for girls. Oh and the whole purity thing. Girls in certain cultures, but in general as well, are view as poor and shouldn’t have sex until marriage, but a boy/ man can lose their virginity at whatever age, married or not. But then who are they having sex with if the girls aren’t supposed to until marriage? Oh yeah, they’re sleeping around with whoever they want and however frequently they feel like it.
    In general, our society is closed minded. People are stuck in their ways. Extremely stuck. No matter what you say, no matter how much evidence, no matter how much of anything, people are not open to new ideas or new ways or new solutions or anything persuasive whatsoever. Like when people are racist, or if people are sexist, or whatever they happen to be, you can't say anything to change how they view things. And they will also do everything in their power to convert other people and support their views. If there wasn't so many closed minded people, the world wouldn't be such a horrible place because people would be more willing.

    And the double standard that plagues men and women, my god. It's tragic. Horrifying. Disgusting. As I stated in the first paragraph, men do whatever they want in general, and with women, but if a woman was to do the same, she's called bad names and labeled automatically. It's really just awful and makes me so angry. Men are out there doing whatever, while woman and being judged. It's NOT fair.

    So I asked my mom how people in her generation viewed women. She simply said, “the same as yours,” so I had to dig a little deeper. She explained how the perception of women and how they are viewed hasn’t changed in the last 50 years. She said she always hears stories of her grandparents and great grandparents generations, and it just doesn’t compare to the way it is nowadays, from her generation to mine. She also brought up weight. My mom pointed out the fact that there wasn’t such thing as “fat” people until her generation was older. She told me about how there were no “fat” people in any pictures or stories her mom and dad would tell, and that “fat” started to be a thing as she had gotten older. That’s important in this topic. The ideal body for most men is skinny, not including any other “benefits” to a woman’s body. It’s true, back in the day, there weren’t as many “fat” people as there are now, not even close. And that’s a big issue nowadays when men view women. I was surprised to hear that she believes her generation views women the same as hers, because honestly, I thought it was just our screwed up generation.

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  8. Despite the few nice boys that make up my generation, I would say that the majority of them view women as less than themselves. From what I’ve seen, the boys of my generation think it is appropriate to catcall girls and make them feel as if they are a piece of meat. I for one, have experienced this unfortunate commonality. Picture this: it’s a rather dry falcon friday but without anticipating the lack of spirit, I went all out. I was wearing my white mohawk wig, my white-out shirt, a blue tutu, accompanied by another white tutu, blue leggings, white calf socks and finally, my gray converse. Not to forget, my face was painted with obnoxious blue and white stripes. This outfit seemed far from intriguing. It was actually childish and repulsive. Who would think that on this happy day, in this childish outfit, I would walk into a Mr. Sopuch’s room to innocently finish some classwork in the back and get ridiculed along the way. The moment I walked in, there were some laughs. Laughs were expected, I mean for God’s sake, I was wearing the wackiest outfit. But what I did not expect was the comment, “ayyyyy ma, you wanna ride this dickkkkk?” To my dismay, Mr. Sopuch barely said anything. Not to blame him, I mean there’s only so much you can say to a boy. I mean it’s not his fault I was dressed so sexually. I prompted him to say that of course. It’s so annoying that this is socially acceptable. I love the fact that boys aren’t punished for saying derogatory phrases and girls are told “that’s just the way it is” or “boys are pigs.” How about we teach boys to stop undressing girls with their eyes and comments.

    My mom thinks that women are viewed worse today because people are more risqué. Today girls let more skin show and it is a norm for girls to be more out there. My mom feels as though girls are viewed in a more sexual way today than back then due to the increase of skin exposure. On the other hand, my mom feels as though women’s rights have come a long way. Women are viewed as more powerful professionally today than back then. Overall, due to the horrible music today and the lack of clothing, women are viewed in a more sexual, less respected way.

    In general, people are close-minded. People are very reluctant to think outside of their own views yet become frustrated when others will not try to think like them. People fail to consider any other opinion than their own. This flaw is tragic at times.

    There is definitely a double standard in the way that society views men and women. The standards set for men and women are quite different and therefore not applicable to the opposite sex. For example, it is expected that men are to hold the door for women and give up their seat if need be. This, while a nice gesture, should not be expected. If we are all equal, then why do women get special privileges? On the contrary, why do men always get to be viewed as the stronger sex? Why do women have to take the man’s last name? Why is it expected that the woman cleans the house and takes care of the kids? Why does the woman have to sacrifice her career path and conform to the societal standard of being a housewife at times? Being a woman is hard. I guess being a guy is hard too. Guys are expected not to cry, they are expected to be tough and masculine. They have to put aside their emotions and be strong for their woman. Either way, both sexes get the short end of the stick at times. I guess it’s fair. Who knows.

  9. I, personally, view women as one of the most strongest people in the world. Of course men are just as strong, but women have gone through so much more-- have suffered so much more-- they deserve a chance to shine in the spotlight. And it’s sad because not everyone sees it that way. Nowadays, women are seen as an object, a property of some sort. Their existence means nothing, their ideas and beliefs don’t matter. Women are unappreciated, used, laughed upon, etc. Men are like the rulers of the kingdom: everyone bows down at their feet. While the women are like the jesters, only used as a form of entertainment. And that really sucks because this same idea has been around for a very long time. Way back when my parents were young, women were expected to be the perfect trophy wives-- cooking and cleaning and looking good were the only things they did. At first, I thought it was just an Asian thing. Asians, especially the older generations, believe in this strongly. But as I grew older, I realized it was more than that. It was all around me. And while that may be the same for both, there is one thing that separates my generation from their generation; and that is change. Change to finally acknowledge this ignorance and start to respect women in every way possible. Today, women have more rights, or at least more than they did back then. They can vote. They can actually work in the same job fields as men. They matter. But I just wished they mattered more. Because other than voting and working, I feel like women and their worth still wavers. Men are still at the top, and women are still below them. Even when they are equal, they aren’t actually “equal”. And I feel, even with the amount of feminist there are, it will never change. And that scares me.

    I 100% believe that there are more close-minded people in the world than open-minded people. I mean, I like to think otherwise, but I know that can’t be the case. There’s so much fear in the world, so much hatred and all this negative mojo, one can’t help but be close-minded. It’s easier to ignore the reality than accept it. That’s how they stay protected, protected from any hurt or suffering that may occur. For instance, anything that has to do with religion. People are so adamant on their beliefs and cannot think anything other than that. And that’s totally understandable: that’s your religion, that’s what you believe in. But that close-mindedness often leads to anger towards others who think differently. And obviously, anger leads to chaos. Like blowing up Mosques or smashing statues of saints at Catholic churches. The idea that there can only be one answer, and one answer only, is stupid. There are so many people in the world, so many different ideas and mindsets, there can’t possibly be one answer to anything. And I feel like, once people understand that, then there will be peace on Earth!!

    There is definitely a double standard in the way society views men and women. And it really sucks. A male and female could be working the same job, for the same amount of time, and yet still get paid differently. All because of their gender. Please tell me how that makes any sense? Or even when a brother and sister ask to go out, the parents will most likely say yes to the son versus their daughter. They say it’s because “you’re a girl”, “you don’t know any better”, or “it’s to protect you”. And they, not just the parents but everyone in the whole entire universe, play that card every single freakin’ time. I don’t know where or how the idea was implanted in the first place, but double standards need to go. I just hope my generation will see the fault in this and hopefully put an end to it. Because in all honesty, I worry more so for the future girls and how they might be effected by this.

  10. Women may SEEM cared for more than men, but it is not true. Men have always put themselves first. It was like that way back when, it is like that now. Today women have more privileges, like voting and owning property, and earned more respect from the opposite sex but yet it still isn't equal to how men treat other men. It baffles my mind how in 2016 human beings can't treat each other fairly. Although, 2016 is far different from 2006. And 2006 is far different from 1996. And so on. I believe my generation is more open minded than the generations before me. We are the stepping stones of change. If I were to live in a world with all 25 year olds and younger, the world would live in pure equality, freedom, love, and acceptance. Unfortunately we live in a world where the generations before us are still running the country and many of them are conservative and not okay with change.

    (I'm writing this after the election so it's kinda cheating but..) if you check out the following link it shows the stats on how many young people voted for Hillary versus voting Trump. 504-23. It speaks for itself how the younger generations think. Like I said before, we are the stepping stones to change. If we continue to raise our children they way we are now, I see a chance of making the world a better place. Honestly.

    The double standards thing though SUCKS. It definitely exists and it'll definitely be around as long as close minded people are around. I see it happen all the time to my friends who are girls with older brothers. Or girls with brothers in general. The boys can hang out with friends as long as they want no matter how crazy it is. The girls cannot simply because we “have vaginas and can get raped and pregnant.” My mother's words, not mine. I don't have an older brother to compare to so I'll just compare Moe and I. Yes I'm aware Moe and I don't have the same parents, but both are parents are immigrants which is close enough. (Like any child before getting their license a parent must drive them wherever and is restricted on what they're allowed to do. But once the child gets their license it makes sense for the parents to just let them go because they can drive themselves places. And if one responsible enough to get behind the wheel, then one is responsible enough to make good decisions. At least I hope so.) Anyways, when Moe got his license he was allowed to go wherever and do whatever with his friends as long as his dad knew where he was going. Pretty fair deal right? Can't relate. Once I got my license I wasn't allowed to get behind the wheel until I got my first job three months later. Once I got my license and asked to go somewhere with friends, my mother said “no you don't have a way to get there.” I replied “I’ll just use the car.” She quickly said “No I have to use the car. I'll drop you off on my way to what I'm doing.” Crazy right??? She also requested to know who I was hanging out with, where I was going, what I was wearing, how long I was staying out, etc. I don't recall Moe’s dad asking him those questions. Maybe it's a mom thing that they're more paranoid than dads, I don't know. All I know that it's unfair how girls are supposed to act/think with more caution than guys.

    I just hope my kids will never have to deal with what I, and soooo many other girls, have to go through in life.

  11. Our generation views women as equals. We have a lot of respect for women. There is more respect and equality for women in our generation than in our parents generation. For the most part people are more closed minded. People may be open to hear other people’s views, but it's going to take a lot for them to actually listen to them and change their mind. Once people have their opinion on something, it is hard to change their mind.

    Different things are expected out of women than men. Women are supposed to be nicer than men. Men are more straight forward and to the point. Men and women also are not treated the same. Even though they may have the same job, men still get paid more than women. Men are still expected to make more than women to support their families, and how is it even possible for women to support the families if they naturally make less than men?

  12. Our generation views women two completely different ways. One side views them as thots, sluts, hoes, etc while the other side views them equal to everyone else. It's easy for a boy to call a girl a thot or hoe because they didn't want to have sex with them or do this that and the third. There's really no reason for that, they use it to cover up them getting curved or to hide the fact that they're being a "hoe." Boys aren't just the ones calling girls hoes and sluts because girls do it to each other all the time. I don't know exactly the reason but it's just as unacceptable as boys calling girls that. The other side that views them equal to everyone else. They love them for being them and treat them no different than how men are treated. They have so much more respect for them than they did back in the day. People my moms age viewed women the same way they do now. I feel like people are mostly closed minded. A lot of people aren't open to other people's opinions or changes they have to offer and only want to do what they want. I have this friend who is very close minded and doesn't want to hear or believes anyone else's opinion even though she asks for it. There are double standard views. A guy could simple say they're going over their friends house who's a girl and their parents would say okay but if a girl said they were going over a boys house, their parents would ask all these questions like are their parents going to be home, how long are you staying, or are you going to be in the living room? Even how many people you've slept with gets judged different based on gender. If you a boy you can have sex with 20 girls and it wouldn't be a problem but as soon as a girl has sex with more than 5 she's considered a thot. Some things in this world will never be understood. Why does everything have to be double standard. People complain that the world isn't equal but then you label girls with names and don't label boys when the same damage is being done.

  13. Women are treated nothing more than an object and second to men in most if not in all situations and I do understand why there are so many angry feminists because of this. My parents generation isn't any better it's pretty much the same supposedly it's been like this for a while. I do believe that people are extremely close minded I haven't met an opened minded person in a while. People are close minded of literally everything, no one likes change. When people believe in one religion they wouldn't dare research into another, if people are brought up in a certain household with particular views and values, depending on whether the Children like it they will stick with those views as an adult and wouldn't let anything else interfere with it. A more recent example would be this election, Donald Trump a republican has been elected after 8 years of a democratic president. Liberals rioting on the streets because they can't accept the fact that their president is not a liberal and goes against most of their views this really shows how open minded people are.. very close minded. When it comes to a double standard I will be honest that there is one. Originally I wanted to say no because of what I was brought up in but if it's society as a whole that's different story. Women and men can both have very active sex lives but the women are the ones who are shunned most for it. In most households the boy is aloud to do more at a younger if any age at all compared to the girl or girls in the family mainly because the parents our more over protective of them compared to the boys. If anything I feel like it will stay like this for a while it's not going to change.

  14. Well, I really don’t want to answer this, actually I don’t feel like doing much of anything anymore. Anyway I believe there is a right and a wrong answer to this question, or at least there is in our classroom. You can either say that women are viewed as strong, vibrant, intelligent beings that bless the world with their existence, or you could say they’re viewed as lazy, complain, infants. I like to think that the first one is how society views women but I’m wrong, I see the second one more and more but I’m also wrong. The reason I am wrong is because I am a privileged white man, so no matter what I say I’ll be fucking wrong but that’s ok. I never really planned on answering this, but I believe that women should be like my grandmother (an abstract concept considering I have two), with this answer I’m covering my ass from having to do discuss this in class. I will say my political and societal views will be announced in class during an op, but till then I will be silent and after it I’ll be silent.
    People are both, they’re the most closeminded open-minded generation, who support everything and want to hear everyone voices until those voices disagree with what they believe. Once that happens the labels come out, it’s amazing how immature my generation is. Our generation will be the last with any chance of changing this because wave become a generation where we don’t know how to deal with conflict. The next generations will just become worse and worse.
    Yeah there is double standards but it is what it is.

  15. I think this: we live in a society where a lot of people see the inequality and do nothing. Women and men do not live equal lives. They are not seen as equal. Growing up, not being able to cook and speak vietnamese pretty much meant I wasn't getting married. I mean my mom can't and always claims she got lucky. That's not fair. Women shouldn't be praised for being able to be a caretaker and men shouldn't be praised on being a decent human being. Personally, I hate coming at society. It ruins the whole "being the change" shit. I am society. I am a working human in society. So saying that is what society thinks partly puts the blame on me and my peers. But, that will not be the case. Some people treat people differently or expect differently depending on your gender but I do not. I will not. And neither will so many people I know. But change the world will take more than yourself. You must also speak your mind and stop others from discriminating. Bad things will happen when good people say nothing. I don't know what I am saying now.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Women are beneath men. In almost all ways, politically, socially you name it. Its disgusting how women are not seen as equal after so long. The highest privilege you can have in America is an older white male. Women are not seen as equals in today's society or any society of any generation. But then again there are always the positive in the negative. There are men that see women as toys, hoes, maids, etc. basically like women owe them something and get nothing. Then there are the men that see the struggle women go through, that appreciate women and want to cherish them and thank them for all they do and treat them like the queens they are, men that want to protect women not harm them. Those men are out there but its a shame that in todays society men arent seen as cool if they treat their woman right, if they dont have a side hoe then they dont know what a good life is am i right? wrong. A man needs to cherish his woman and see them as equals. right now women are not seen as equal and its appalling. ive even seen woman do it as well dont think im just coming crazy at men. Ive heard woman call down on other women, slut shaming them, bullying them, harassing them. Women need to work together and show the world we aren't weak like they think, we are strong and don't need a man to validate anything. I'm going to treat people kindly regardless of their gender.

  18. Without question my generation treats women horrendously. Yet if I compare my generation's views to that of my fathers I see no change rather even my generation has taken those ills and multiplied them. Women in my father's generation (or maybe just according to my father) were simply housewives, trophy wives something that was there to make a man look good. He doesnt word it this way of course but there seems to be no other way I can interpret it. My generation has taken this idea that women is an object there merely to make a man look good and multiplied it times a thousand. If a women was an object then well just look now. The idea that all a woman must be is hot and “easy” is too real nowadays. As horrendous as it is to say I can not even be mad at the men. The men are just as much to blame as the women merely in the sense that women fall under these roles to fit in. Views shape actions.

    In a society of close minded fools disaster is all that will ever come. I do not care if you support gay rays or is you support religious conservative views if you will not even take a second to listen to what the other side has to say then nothing that comes out of your mouth with be valid. Our generation believes that it is their way or the highway and in life we need to learn to change we need to learn to shape we need to learn to fight for what we believe in while having others in mind. That cannot happen if we all have sticks so far up our butts in this well what I believe is right mindset. Close minded no matter what the subject is wrong.

    Our society does not need to be doomed. But until someone can knock some sense into everyone and say let us all rationalize for one moment we will go nowhere and we will crumble.

  19. From what I know and what I've grown up around, many people are so quickly to downgrade girls because of their appearance or their clothes or the boys they're with. I hate to say it myself but since I've been around it for so long I catch myself doing it but I rethink why I think that way and fix it. Rape cannot be classified as asking for it because a women was showing more skin that usual. My mom always yells at me for things that are just second nature to me but since I guess the generation style changed its a problem. My jeans. My skinny jeans that are tight in my butt and all around actually are a problem and don't get me started on leggings. Dress shopping is even worse. Many people is society are so close minded that they think of when they grew up or what they're used to. Obviously I'm not going to come to school in booty shorts and a small crop top but I can come to school presentable in a crop top with skirt that makes me look nice, not going to the club. I think there's different degrees of what you should dress as in certain areas but never judging, just be presentable when you have to be presentable. Between men and women, men get away with a lot more. Like running shirtless and one time at field day girls were not allowed to cut their shirts or wear crop tops but the boys could, which is ridiculous. I don't have a problem with them doing it so why can't the girls? Women are way more judged than men but one some older generations die out, sorry for that one, I think things will be much better because there won't be a various views on women and comparing them to older times.

  20. The generation that I live in today seek women as a weaker sex than males. Men and women still don’t get equal pay because men do more labor than women. If a female was given the same job that a man was doing I bet she’d work twice as hard than that man would. It seems like women have always had to fight for things more than men have. In some cases this is true. The ideal female back in the day would stay home and cook up a meal for their partner when he returned from work. But in today’s generation ther’s women joining the military forces and putting their lives on the lines just as men are doing the same. If a female can do the same job as a man can how come equal pay still is still an issue in today’s country ?
    In my dad’s generation, his mother would cook and clean the house while his father was working. And she would have a job but only on weekends. My dad said it was men would usually work more than women would. This is very different in today’s society. Women have the same workload as men do; if not more.
    I think people are open-minded. We try new things everyday, but the fear of what the outcome may be might stop us from doing so. People are willing to consider new ideas which I love but You never know what the outcome may be unless you try.
    There is a double standard in the way society views men and women. Of course we’re different based on our sexualality but when it comes to labor jobs and the pay received men always perceiver with more due to their sexuality.
