Saturday, December 10, 2016

Lost in Translation

I must confess that for as long as I can remember, I've felt felt a tinge of loneliness; ok, more than a tinge. It isn't because I don't have tons of friends--I mean, I don't, but I don't need tons. The scant few I've got are all I need because I've never been the type of person who judges herself on popularity. That seems stupid to me, given how fleeting popularity really is.  But, this year, I began to rethink the way I jusdge friendship as well.

Often, when I'm feeling alone, I like to keep moving. Specifically, I like to go for walks.  Well, first I drive to a place I've either 1) never been OR 2) always go.
It's the drive before the walk that allows me to let go of the day and absorb the night. These walks of mine always happen at night. I feel like that's an important detail. Don't ask me why.
So this is the state of affairs that brought me to Center City Philly the first Friday night in November.

As I roamed Old City, a place I once lived,  I found myself replaying some of the interactions with various people I'd had up to that point in the day. When my mind settled on one of the day's conversations--I don't remember which--I distinctly recall feeling a rising tide of frustration. And while I'm sketchy on the details of the conversation which sparked these thoughts, I know precisely what frustrated me that evening, because it's something that consistently frustrates me to no end: the realization that most people seem to have no handle on what it means to be "a good friend." Not that I feel that I have a monopoly on the definition. It's just that I feel that people throw the term "best friend" around like it's a hacky sack, with little to no thought about how their use of the term speaks volumes about what they value in terms of human interaction.

So, you guessed it. I'd like you to weigh in on the subject. What does it mean to be "a good friend"? Who's your best friend? Has that changed? Be specific, cite examples and do your best to arrive at a definition. But DON'T consult a dictionary. If you absolutely can't resist the temptation to chew on someone else's thoughts on the subject, I'd like you to google quotations on friendship and tell me if you come across one that sums up your views on the topic--or one that doesn't if playing devil's advocate is your thing.  Share the quote with us and connect it with your response. Don't rush your thinking. Let it marinate...

Monday, December 5, 2016

"Emotions have taught mankind to reason"--Marquis de Vauvenargues

Ok, storytime! 

 I need you to think about this for a bit before you answer. 

When constructing your response, write in third person to keep yourself out of it, BUT, you can still use an example from your own life.  I am just trying to keep your writing skills from going to crap!

In your opinion, what is the most powerful emotion? 
 Love, hate, jealousy, indifference?  
Provide an example that illustrates exactly how that emotion is the strongest one of all. 
 Be as detailed AND persuasive as possible.