Monday, December 5, 2016

"Emotions have taught mankind to reason"--Marquis de Vauvenargues

Ok, storytime! 

 I need you to think about this for a bit before you answer. 

When constructing your response, write in third person to keep yourself out of it, BUT, you can still use an example from your own life.  I am just trying to keep your writing skills from going to crap!

In your opinion, what is the most powerful emotion? 
 Love, hate, jealousy, indifference?  
Provide an example that illustrates exactly how that emotion is the strongest one of all. 
 Be as detailed AND persuasive as possible.


  1. Love would have to be the most strongest emotion without love what is there to have. Love isn't just kindness but what is truly Bennett without love you wouldn't have the urge to do half of the things we do each day. Love is the idle motive behind everything and i feel that without love you wouldn't do the things we do each day. For example teachers cant just get a teaching degree and randomly start teaching because without the love and passion for the job it is nearly impossible to do a mediocre job due to the fact that kids would drive you insane. Without love you cannot perform your best and that's why love is the most important thing.

  2. sadness because if you think about it sadness is the one that can overpower all of those emotions. Sadness is an emotion that builds up on the inside usually. Sadness is something that can change you to anger or hate.
    Sadness can bring you to a place you never thought you would go. It is overpowering, but also necessary.
    Sadness helps with self growth. It also can deeply affect mental health which can control your whole mindset and body.
    It is also so strong that we have all become immune to it, even belittle the idea of sadness because it is so frequent. Sadness is too strong is the problem.
    I guess love is overpowering, but is it really? Love and being inlove can only hold so much happiness, but the sad won't go away until you deal with it.
    Sadness is stupid but strong as fuck.

  3. Jealousy by far overpowers any of the other three emotions listed. If you truly think about it, jealousy derives from love and hate. It’s an emotion that branches off from either two and can consume the emotion it stems from, therefore allowing it to be the stronger and more powerful emotion when paired next to either love or hate. Let’s say a person hates someone so much that anything he/she does or accomplishes just results in jealousy for that person. Eventually, that jealousy will cause that person to feel envious of the other and that person will be obsessed with the idea of knocking the other person down in efforts to make him/herself to feel better about him/herself. On the other hand with love, jealousy has the ability to make a person doubt themselves and their relationships. When a person loves someone very much and then witnesses him/her being intimate with someone else, they might get consumed with jealousy. And from there that person might act on his/her jealousy and do things that are out of character. That jealousy would then have the potential power to ruin a relationship that didn’t have any problems to begin with. Furthermore, feeling an emotion is way more powerful than not feeling anything at all. When one feels some type of way about something, the emotion they feel has the ability to blindside him/her into doing something that might not have been rationally thought out. Compared to feeling indifferent, jealousy definitely has the stronger tie to a person’s actions and thoughts. In the end, an emotion that stems off of other emotions is truly the more powerful one because of the fact that it can easily consume a person who is already feeling a strong emotion and force them to think irrationally about everything and anything.

  4. When it comes to love, hate, jealousy, and indifference, love is the most powerful emotion. Without love we would not have any of the other three feelings anyways. Love generates hate. Love generates jealousy. And love generates indifference. When you love someone and they hurt you in some way, it turns to hate. When you love someone/something and it/they belong to someone else, etc. it turns into jealousy. And sadly, you could love someone that has no interest and it will drive a person to do crazy things.
    Love is a hard emotion. It is great, powerful, beautiful, and completely awful. Love stories are never perfect and they never just come easy and natural. Even soulmates hurt and have to fight to get there. I asked my grandma what is the most powerful emotion and she was so quick to say “love.” She did not even hesitate or think about it, she just answered my question with a smile. My grandparents have been married for over 50 years and the love they have for each other is beautiful. When I was alone with my grandpa he continued to tell me how much of a “perfect person” my grandmother is. They got married at 21, had children around 25, and also had a lot of bumpy roads. But that is the thing; the love drove them right over their roads. My grandparents never thought of leaving each other or giving up and that is why love is so very powerful.
    Love is not about giving up. Love is actually so powerful that you can not give up. It is very hard to love a person and give up on them. My boyfriend drives me completely insane, I have not seen his face or touched his hand in over three months, but the love kept our relationship alive. The love made me stay and the love made it possible. Hate, jealousy, and indifference can fade but not love. Love does not fade. Love does not disappear. Love is strong and love is powerful.
    I am the furthest from a sappy person, I can not stand when people touch me out of love or when Anthony is too soft. If he tells me “I love you” too much in one day I literally tell him to shut up. I am just a bitter person when it comes to that kind of stuff, but I can still manage to fight for the fact that love is the most powerful emotion.

  5. This is Haley Crispell.

    Love is the strongest emotion. Love is all of these other emotions combined into one. Love is full of sadness and happiness and jealousy (for some), hate and so many more. Love is a roller coaster and it has its ups and its downs and twists and turns. The most powerful part of love is the blinding. Love blinds any and everyone whether it's for the good or bad. When love blinds in a good way it means those two in love are in the happy "honey moon stage" this means everything in life is beautiful rays of sunshine and rainbows. Nothing is going wrong and everything is going right. However love's blinding can also be terrible. Those in love can be blinded by the fact that the one they are in love with is a horrible human and treats them like trash. However that person is so blinded that they never see the evil in the one they love. They continue to run back to that person and never see the wrong in it. Love is the strongest emotion because it will take over your life. The heartbreak from love is where hate comes into play. Those broken by the ones they love find hate in either themselves for "not being good enough" for the one they loved, hate in the one they loved for hurting them, or hate in the person that their loved one is now with. This is where you can also find jealousy. Jealousy can be found both during and after love. Some relationships are filled with jealousy. Sometimes those in love think jealousy shows how much you love your loved one, however jealousy is the opposite in trust. If you are jealous you usually find it hard to trust the one you love resulting in you being jealous of the things they do. Jealousy also comes when the one you love breaks your heart because you are then jealous of the new girl or boy that your lover is with. Love also has happiness. Love has every emotion rolled into one rollercoaster. Love is the ultimate and strongest emotions because it towers the other emotions by having them into in it. Love is filled with jealousy, hate, happiness and many other emotions. Love is the strongest emotion because it is so blinding and can make someone do or say something they strongly disbelieve in because they break their morals for the one they love.

  6. Emotions have a way of taking over peoples lives. People can't exactly get ahold on their emotions all the time and that creates conflict. Love is without a doubt the most powerful emotion. This is because it sparks every other emotion. A person cannot hate without love. They either hate something or someone because they once loved that thing or that person or, they hate because they are jealous. To be jealous someone must love something to be jealous of. The girl may hate her old best friend for stealing her boyfriend but the love she once had for the two of them now powers the hate. Hate is actually hurt hidden by anger and frustration. The power of love is indescribable it drives people to do insane things that many others cannot comprehend. Love drives all other emotions and brings out both the best and the worst in people. It's very easy to pinpoint why people feel what they feel. If you look hard enough and find the trail hate or jealousy always lead back to lead back to love.

  7. Hate is the most powerful emotion. Although I wish I could say it’s love, society proves otherwise. Between wars, terrorism, racism, sexism and crime, hatred is to blame. Despite the fact that there are acts of love out there too, they are not merely strong enough to weigh out the hatred. If hate were absent, people could live harmoniously despite their differences. If only people learned to accept those who are different and love each other regardless. It seems as though hating people is easier than compromise or acceptance. Plus, it gives people a sense of empowerment. It is a shame that hatred is so prevalent everywhere we go. It is easy to get drawn into the negativity at times. Love is a lot of work and hatred is an easy way out.

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  9. Love can overpower all emotions. When someone truly loves something or another person, nothing can come between that connection unless it's themselves. Love has the ability to take over your mind. Love can turn your heart into your brain. Love can blind you. Love can make you feel amazing but love can be the reason someone cuddles up for days and cries their eyes out. Love also creates a domino effect. It's such an amazing feeling people in love want to spread the feeling they feel. It’s a motivation to do better and a reminder that just your worth it because of that one thing. A man can be uneducated and unemployed but once he finds that girl he’ll do anything to support her, making him a better man. Its very easy for someone to fall deep into depression and feel like no one cares about them, including their significant other. Sometimes, their significant other can be the only thing that keeps them pushing and continues to brighten up their day. Love powers that. Behind the hardwork and sleepless nights is a heart that is only growing for the women he loves. In return, she admires him and loves him just as much. Love never fails to teach lessons either. Falling in and out of love can be the best thing for some people. For some, it teaches them more about themselves than the other person. All around, through pain and happiness, it makes them a better version of themselves for the future. It may take some time and plenty of tears but remember time heals all wounds. Loving someone is the best feeling and feeling loved feels even better.

  10. Love and hate are strong emotions that can control one’s lives. Although these are very strong emotions, jealousy definitely overpowers both of them. This is because love and hate are developed through jealousy. For example, you may hate someone because of something they have that you do not (which is jealousy). For the other emotion, when you have love it is accompanied by jealousy because you want that person to yourself. Not saying that people are very jealous people when their loved one is doing something with someone else, but there is always jealousy there. The difference between people is some show how jealous they are, while others hide it lowkey. No matter how much they try not to care about what the other person is doing, there is still a possibility of jealousy.
    Apathy should not be a thing to he/she because not caring for something just shows that you are not interested for a specific reason (usually because you dislike or hate that thing/topic). This is why we are not really comparing jealousy to indifference.
    To not mention any names, someone who used to be a part of my life was something more than jealous. There was no talking to other people, no going nowhere without her, no nothing if it did not involve “us.” Her jealousy overpowered all the love she said she had for me, so when I talked to one of my friends and she found out and did not like it, a hate started to develop for me. She may not have said it at the moment but in the middle of arguments it would be stated. She stated it more than once, so I knew it was there. There is the possibility that in the moment, as they say, you may get very heated and say something you do not mean. But after it being repeated more than 1 time, I knew it was there. Jealousy comes with love and then soon develops hate. Indifference is because of hate and hate is because of jealousy. In all, jealousy just overpowers everything.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. For me, indifference is the strongest emotion. Well actually I don’t know, this is a tricky concept because I like to act indifferently towards many things, when in reality I might actually care a lot about something (or someone). Oops I’m talking in first person. I would like to be indifferent towards point of view. OK so indifference is the strongest emotion because it has the power to replace all other emotions with ease (including love, hate, and jealousy). Once one stops loving, hating, or being jealous, it can be argued that they no longer care, and thus intense feelings are permanently replaced by apathy. Hypothesis: IF one feels an intense emotion, THEN that intense emotion will eventually be replaced by indifference (I would say “you” or “your” instead of “one” but that would be second person and you said to talk in third person and I am trying to resist indifference so please bear with my repetition). For example, say two people are married/ in a relationship and they love each other. They eventually divorce/ break up and begin to hate each other as a result. Over time, their hatred simmers down to indifference as their once intense feelings are replaced with apathy. This hypothetical demonstrates an interesting chain reaction, as love fuels hate and hate fuels separation and separation is perpetuated by time and time fuels indifference. THUS, it can be argued that time heals all wounds by slapping an apathetic bandaid on that bitch we call our brain (how’s that for a metaphor).(side note: I realize “we” is second person? I think? I’m sorry, between the time it took me to start this blog post and get to this line, I have become apathetic. Hence, I have corroborated my own hypothesis.)
        ALSO, fun fact, in ap psych we’re learning about learning (Pavlov’s dogs, conditioned stimulus vs unconditioned stimulus, Clark would hate me right now) and there’s this thing called learned helplessness, which is “the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events.” Over time, we learn to stop caring about something if we feel powerless against it; we just go with the flow. I think the same rule applies to the relationship between time and emotion. We cannot control time, just as we cannot control our intense feelings. But time is eternal, whereas feelings are not. No matter how strongly we feel about something or someone, time will always ensure eventual indifference. It’s like a candle flame; from fire to smoke to nothing.

  13. The most powerful emotion by far is love. Love is different for everyone, whether it is love for a friend, family member, or a partner. Love emcompasses so many different emotions within that emotion that it is the most powerful emotion of them all. When you love, you hate. When you love, you get jealous. When you love someone or something, it’s not always lovey- dovey. When you love, you must deal with all other emotions to truly love. Without all other emotions, it is impossible to love.
    If you love someone, you through the best and the worst of times with them. The best times include happy emotions. The best times are proud moments, happy moments, in awe moments; moments that have a happy emotion. But, on the flip side, when you go through the worst of times with the person you love, they may do something bad that makes you hate them. Not a true hate, but it makes you dislike them a lot. Going through bad times with someone you love may make you jealous of another person trying to steal them or get their attention. But, in the end, since you love them, you get through it. No matter what. Through the best and worst of times, you get through it because love is the most powerful emotion.
    There are times when you love someone that all you want to do is admire them because of all their accomplishments and how happy they make you, but unfortunately, it comes with times you want to punch them in the face for any negative reason out there. Love is sacred and is a two way street-- and I mean that in two different ways. Love is a two way street because it takes two to love. Of course you can love without the other person loving you back, but then it isn’t the sacred love I’m talking about. But it’s also a two way street because of the happiness and sadness it brings you. There’s no such thing as “perfect love.” now, people might say they have it, but what they mean by that is they stick together through the happiness, through the anger, through the jealousy and through the hate. They don’t mean that they never fight or get jealous, they mean that even when those emotions come up, they build together and they grow together despite the circumstances. With love comes all emotions, and therefore is the most powerful emotion of them all.

  14. Love is the strongest emotion. The things that branch out from being in love with someone are immense and many. The things that branch out from being in love with yourself are even more immense and innumerable. Love controls damn near everything; I’ve seen it break down the strongest people. Not necessarily because of a lack of love, but just because they don’t know what to do with it. I’ve seen love put the smartest people in the dumbest situations. Love doesn’t discriminate, either. You don’t have to meet any qualifications to be hurt by love or to be in love. Love is one of the only emotions that can turn into something else and also come out on the other side of a negative feeling. Love puts smiles on the meanest faces and gives the most hopeless people a light at the end. Self love makes people bloom from the inside out. There is nothing more beautiful than love.

  15. Love is the most powerful emotion on earth. Love is pure and positive. It empowers the world and life. It’s everywhere and lasts forever. Love is the core of the other emotions; hate, jealousy, indifference and many more. Without love, how can we live? Well we really can’t. It’s a necessity in life; to be happy, connect and enjoy life.
    However, people fear it. They tend to say that love is a sign of weakness, it’s useless and dumb, they don’t to wanted to talk about and/ or they don’t believe in it. Maybe because it was promoted from a bad experience they had or they never witnessed it, who know’s? Though everyone has to encounter this phenomenon through their own experiences. A wise woman,aka Bunje, said to my class last year that before you can love someone, care for someone, show empathy for someone, you must do the same for yourself first.You have to understand yourself ; how you feel, what you think, and most importantly, who you are. Self assurance is key.

  16. The emotion love defeats every other emotion by far. Love sits in the heart and the mind simply driving and controlling the other emotions. Love sometimes leaves a person with jealousy, hatred, and sadness. If you truly love someone, that feeling that overtakes your body and mind, and is more powerful than anything else. Sometimes you cannot really explain love. A girl meets a guy, or vise versa or vice versa again, there either is a connection or there isn’t. Overtime if there is a connection, that connection between the two people grows stronger. And those two people overtime grow even closer and maybe fall in love. When a person falls in love they kind of just know. They feel it in their stomach, their mind, their body, everything. These sparks just kind of light themselves off and it feels like everything is perfect. That one person is perfect and you two are perfect together. When a person is really in love, they would do anything for their significant other. Because of this girl and this boy I know, this statement becomes valid. They love each other more than they love anything else. Their love is like a match that doesn’t burn out. Their love is something extraordinary, something the two never thought they would find. And from their experience, that love is what will never break them apart, and what will hold them up when one of them falls.
    A person feels many emotions. Sadness, jealousy, hatred, happiness, etc. When a person experiences all of them, it is easy to see how love is the strongest of them all. Love is the strongest because the love you feel for something can never be broken. Sadness can be broken, hatred can be broken, happiness can be broken. But love? Love can never be broken because when you love, you love with every fiber of your being and that can never be broken.Love will always be the most powerful emotion to exist.

  17. This blog reminds me of the saying “love trumps hate” and if love can trump hate, love can trump anything. Love is the most powerful emotion because it outshines all the other emotions in every way possible. For example, you would notice a more loving and happy person over an angry and hateful person because they stand out. Positive and loving people are more active and vocal and outgoing than any other person displaying any other emotion. They attract more people because a loving, cheerful personality is more inviting than anything else. No one wants to be around a miserable, pessimistic person because they suck all the life out of you and causes you to turn into them. Another reason why love is the most powerful emotion is because it is contagious. Love spreads joy and cheer, which can even cause the grumpiest of all people to break into a small smile. Love is so infectious that it can cause a chain reaction of smiles and giggles through each person they encounter, and then the next person, and so-on, just like a miserable people can start a chain reaction as well. Therefore, be that one loving person to create a world overflowing with love, not the dismal person to contaminate our world with hatred and sadness. Love can do anything, it can make sad people happy, angry people calm, and envious people content. I believe love can do anything and one of these days it is going to spread everywhere and we can maybe, just maybe, live in a more loving world.

  18. Love is the most powerful emotion. Love can overcome all of someone else's emotions. When one is in love, they act differently, almost like a new person. Their judgement can be impaired by love. Love is a dangerous thing because when there is something that is this strong, and makes people feel so strong about someone else, it is so easy to get hurt. One can also love someone or something so much that they do not even realize that that thing is hurting them, or not right for them. When one loves someone more than that person loves them, the one person may be willing to do much more for that person. It may not be totally one sided, but this a a for-sure way of getting your heart broken. And I know a few incidents of this happening. Love is so crazy because at one point everything can be perfect and happy and the next thing you know you could have your heart broken. Love is so powerful, but it is just as dangerous as it is powerful.

  19. Hands down, love is the most powerful emotion. As Lin-Manuel Miranda once said, “love is love is love is love”. It’s a feeling of warmth, of comfort, of affection. And it’s everywhere-- school, work, home. Even war. Love compels one to do things, good and evil. It transforms one into a new person, almost unrecognizable. Love is hate, it’s jealousy-- it’s all of these emotions combined, and more. Love can be dangerous. When people are killing, what’s their excuse? Love. When people burn down a mosque, what’s their excuse? Love. The answer is love, that’s the excuse, that’s their main reasoning behind everything they do. Everyone uses it. Love is such a powerful emotion, a person will truly do anything and everything just to keep it. Love makes people blind, love makes people happy. Love makes people cry, love makes people smile. Love isn’t like the movies or TV shows. Love is so much more than meets the eye, and no other emotion holds such power. Take Christopher Columbus for example (random I know, but the only thing I can think of). He sailed to the Americas for his country. He traveled across the ocean blue to find his country gold and land. He loved his country so much, he went on four voyages to discover a new world. And when he did, he attacked the inhabitants, burned their homes, took their land, abused and mistreated the natives. And he took everything they had and shipped it back to his homeland. And it was all out of love for his country. That’s what love does, that’s what it can do. It can turn a good man into a cruel and nasty one. What they do is ignited by love, and once it’s ignited, there’s no telling what could happen.

  20. Love is the most powerful emotion. Love inquires hate, jealousy, fear, and sadness al in one. Love is something that is dangerous and can kill. Love gives you something more than life, it connects us to someone much bigger. It's a passion and need for someone that you are willing to do anything for at any time. Love overpowers all other emotions because without love, what's the point of life. Without love, you wouldn't wake up each day ready to start it because something that you love makes you get up. Love has power to do so many different things such as making you blind, putting you in the wrong situation, or loving the ring person. Love can either be a good thing or a bad thing. It can make your life amazing but also ruin your life if you aren't careful.

  21. What is the strongest emotion you might ask? Many would say that it is love, but to truly understand what one would do for love, you must understand what one would do for hatred. Love and hatred are both sides of the same coin but the side of hatred defiantly carries more weight. Hatred is more powerful because it is easier to hate something than it is to love something. To be able to love something is to be able to accept the flaws of whatever you’re trying to love while it is much easier to hate something for its flaws.
    Time is also a factor when considering what is more powerful. Love can fade in a short amount of time, relationships are a perfect example of this but hatred transcends time. A group can hate another group just because their parents hated that group and so on, a perfect example of this is the racism in the south or the battle for the holy land between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Love can fade over time and from that love hatred can spawn while it is not often that love spawns from hatred.

  22. For this blog, I pick joy as the most powerful emotion. Joy, or happiness, is one of the best feelings to experience as a human. Considering Christmas is around the corner, joy also certainly fits in this holiday. The word, joy, connects to other positive words like happy, kind, nice, and etc. In order to become happy, one must do something that is good and satisfying. When people feel happy, they want to help others or spread it around. For example, doing good deeds like helping out others and serving your community. Even if there is no reward for your good deeds, the feeling of joy and good overwhelms your sense of greed. One smile is all it takes to make people feel happy. It gives them a positive and trust feeling that will stick with them forever. Not everyone can experience happiness or joy in their life, but it is obtainable. It is easier to feel happiness if you are willing to accept help from others. I am willing to lend my hand to anyone who wants to experience joy. The process starts once one realize he/she needs help and is willing to express themselves. No matter how much he/she express themselves, I would do my best to help them out and make them smile.

  23. In my opinion, love is the most powerful emotion. Love can make you do things that you wouldn't normally do. Love is putting someone else before yourself. Love is supposed to be magical and that’s why everyone tries so hard to find it. In multiple movies, people say that love is the closest thing we have to magic and I partly agree with that. I think being in love is the closest thing there is to magic. I've never been in love, so I don't have any firsthand experience, but from what I've seen in movies and what I've seen from my grandparents, love is something that everyone should want. Hate and jealousy both fade away after a certain amount of time. Eventually you will forgive and move on. Love is eternal and will never go away. Even after something like a divorce or a break up, some love for that person is still there. Love is the most powerful emotion and one of the most powerful things on the planet. Love can never be taken away from you and you can always be reminded about how much you love someone.

  24. I still don’t know what love is, and emotions don’t really get to me and I don’t let them impact much of my actions.  But I guess I’ll say the most powerful emotion is love.  People do some pretty crazy shit for love.  Or they just do normal stuff, but would do anything for the people that they love.  For example, if an adult touched me in any way negative, I am 100% positive that I have multiple members of my family would literally kill them.  Like murder them, on the spot.  Maybe my family is crazy, or maybe they just love me.  Either way, I am extremely grateful for them, and the power that love has.

  25. Everyone has that one thing about them that makes them different from everyone else. Whether itś loving too much, getting jealous by someone looking at your loved one- there is always something that someone has a different point of view on. Out of love, hate, indifference, and jealousy, jealousy is the most powerful emotion. Jealousy lies within everyone. Whether it surfaces or not, there's always jealously deep within. Being a jealous person can take you completely out of your normal character and make you do things you'll later regret. Jealously if a boy/girl looks at your girlfriend/boyfriend. Jealously if your friend has other friends. Jealously if someone has something better or different clothing. Jealousy is everywhere. It can make you get mad and not talk to someone. It can make you sad. It brings all the emotions in. You can either love someone or hate them.

  26. Empathy- n. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

    Empathy is the most important emotion. Maybe, to other people, empathy is more of a characteristic than an emotion, but it takes emotion to acquire empathy and, for me atleast, empathy feels like an emotion in itself. It's deep and strong and has the potential to produce a lot of good in the world.
    Empathy comes after open mindedness, general appreciation for your surroundings, even, in a sense, maturity. It's important because, without it, there would be no understanding, no comfort from others, no love. No one feels good when they feel alone but most people feel good when they feel understood so empathy is important because it provides the feeling of not feeling alone.
    Empathy is important because it pro uses gratitude too. An example? Starvation. If we attempt to put ourselves in the shoes of those who live and struggle in third world countries we’re more likely to appreciate what we have here. It might even prompt us to help. It might even, one day, be the reason world hunger ends.
    In this way and more, empathy is powerful. It's powerful because it rescues people and reestablishes love in the world as a whole. It's powerful and the best part is it's possible. Most people can feel empathy and anyone can make a difference with it.

  27. Love, there isn't anything more powerful then love the strongest of all emotions especially unconditional love. There is a saying that love never fails love can penetrate every other emotion even the one motion that everyone considers the strongest which would be hate but love always has been stronger. With unconditional love and kindness if you want to be right but you want to be kind be kind and you will always be right. Love is righteous and there is nothing better then something righteous and true, love never unchanging, love never failing, love is something more powerful then any idea known or formed by man.

  28. Jealousy is the most powerful emotion because it can completely consume a person. Jealousy usually comes from the other two powerful emotions, love and hate. Jealousy is an all consuming emotion that can lead you to do crazy things whether it is stemming from love or hate. Love is usually viewed in the positive while hate in the negative but jealousy can lean either way. You may view jealousy in a relationship as love but others view that negatively.

  29. Love is the most powerful emotion of mankind. Love can make people do crazy things. Love can have an impact on the people in your life. Love is always great but people make rational decisions from the people that they love and sacrifices that aren’t worth it. For example, you may love someone one day and cut of your friends for this one person-then the next day they have a change in heart and no longer want relations with you. I believe that you should always keep those who have been by your side since day 1 n matter who you fall in love with. Because your friends were always there for you when you were going through tough times.
    Love is essential to have in life. You always to feel like you’re appreciated by someone and someone cares. Love is the most strongest but dangerous emotion all in one.

  30. When analyzing a poem and told to state the emotion, the first thing I think of is positivity and love not negativity and hate. I think of it in hopes that that the poem is about love and the emotion is positivity. I guess that's something everyone looks for, love. It is afterall the most powerful emotion. I mean if an emotion can make you do the craziest things you never thought you would do then why wouldn't it be the most powerful. It's not just powerful over the fact that it controls your mind body and soul but because it affects others so much. It's not just something that makes you feel beyond amazing and like you are on top of the world like nothing can harm you because you'll be forever invincible but it also affects others. Being in love is scary, it brings along with it fear, joy, doubt, faith, sadness, happiness, and just about every other emotion combined which makes it not just the most powerful but the most confusing and hard to understand or even explain. Not everyone experiences love the same, not everyone loves and wants to be loved the same. I may love being shown affection and attention but the person I love may want materialistic things and to be shown off. So it is different for everyone how they love others and want others to love them. It is definitely the most difficult thing to understand besides life itself maybe. Love can make amazing wondering magnificent things happen in this world, it can also make horrible horrific maddening painful things happen in this world. Regardless of whether there's happiness or sadness, it makes changes in this world that stay with people forever. Those memories and feelings will never fade, only bring back the feeling of invincibility and vulnerability. It makes so much happen and also destroys so many things, therefore love is hands down the most powerful emotion.

  31. I believe love is the strongest emotion because it can we felt in many ways. With love comes , hate, sadness , and happiness. Love is hard not to be consumed by it there isn't anyone on this planet who doesn't feel some kind of love. Love is never about the words in which you express your thought, it is the various actions that you make. The thought of love is nice, but the act of it is the only true sense of the word. When you love someone it is about how you feel and how they make you feel that way. The feeling can make people do crazy things but there is only one reason they are justified and it is love, love makes us feel different thing and as people we will do everything we can just to keep the love that we feel in our hands.
