Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sometimes Life Needs a Reset Button

Time to get down.

These questions are tough, but answer honestly, otherwise--what's the point?

What's the worst thing you have ever done to someone?  What do you consider it the worst thing?  What were the consequences/rewards to doing this thing?  Was the sacrifice (doing something awful) worth the reward (whatever you got out of it)?

What's the meanest thing you have ever said to someone?  Why did you say it? What was the outcome?

If you could go back in time and have a "do over" for either of the above worst things, which one would it be?  Why?


  1. I am going to be really honest with this blog even though I like to forget this because I honestly have no idea why I did what I did. The worst thing that I have ever done to someone is kiss someone else while I was sort of talking to someone. In all honesty I did not think me and the one guy were talking for very that long or very serious but after I kissed someone else my friends freaked and I suddenly realized all at once that what I did was wrong. I consider this one of the worst things because of how much I hurt the one guy without realizing it. Two days after I had kissed the one boy I told the boy I was talking to and he did not want to talk to me so he could process it and then his friends told me he was so sad and would not talk to anyone and that is when I realized I was such a shitty person for doing that. One major consequence is that person lost trust in me and later on it was the downfall of our connection. I also had lead the one boy on because he really wanted to be something but I was so upset for hurting the one boy I did not want to talk to anyone. The only thing I gained from this is I learned from my mistake and will never do that again. It definitely was not worth hurting both boys because in the end I never meant to hurt anyone.

    The meanest thing I have ever said to someone that I can remember is when I told my dad’s girlfriend that she was not my mom and that she was a terrible mom for not following through with what she told her daughter. We were in Florida at Epcot and my dad’s girlfriend told her daughter she could only visit the fake little eiffel tower if she did not complain but whatever my dad’s girlfriend told her daughter not to do she still did and in end she still took her daughter to see the eiffel tower. I was in such a bad mood and I was such a brat I told she was a bad mother because she did not know how to parent. After that we ended up screaming at eachother in the middle of Disney which did not solve anything. I feel so bad for this because in the end I only hurt my dad more since the two girls he loved most could not get along. Also once I started fighting my brother stuck up for me and then it turned into the Spica family versus the Crispell family. The outcome was not good because in the end we were just all mad at eachother and had to share a hotel room with each other for the rest of the vacation.

    If I had a do over I would definitely go back and not kiss the one boy because of how badly I hurt them and the fact that the one boy lost trust and with the other we became less of friends. I would not go back for my dad’s girlfriend because we fought often but are way past that now and love each other and respect each other.

  2. The worst thing I have done has to be when I cut my time short with my dad, during the summer. This year I went for a month which is good but not as long as I used to go. I used to go the whole summer. But last year I went for 2 weeks. He had planned a trip to the Dominican Republic and I basically only went for that. I did it for a girl who drives me insane now. I feel terrible about what I did to my own dad for her. She thought that anything over a month was too long and that she was going to “miss me too much.” But the blame is not all hers because I still made the decision to do that. It was like 30% her fault because she was very persistent with bringing up the summer and how she did not want me going for more than a month. And I fell into her persistency and gave in. My dad was very hurt. I really wish I could do that over. If maybe I had realize how crazy this girl I had been dating at the time was, I would’ve went for a month or 2 (which was the usual time I went). I basically did him super dirty for a girl who definitely was not worth it. I feel bad saying it, but it’s the truth. No one will ever know how much I want to take that decision back and go back for my usual time. I am glad this year, while I was still dating her, I still went for a month. It made my dad feel really good and it made me feel really good too. I hate that we can’t be together all the time because man it would be great to have him here with me for anything and everything. The consequence of my decision was having to spend more time with her when I could have been with my dad! What a fool I was. I would do anything to change that, so I did not have to hear or face the hurt of my father. I feel like a complete douchebag now that I look back on it. My dad was hurt but at the same time he said he understood it was because “estaba enamorado.” And goodness gracious I really wish I could change that stupid decision I committed.

    As for the meanest thing I have said to someone, it was more recently. I regretted it as soon as I texted it. I will not say her name for exposure purposes. I was casually joking around with her because she wanted to ask one of my homies to homecoming but I said “I don’t want him going with any thots too hoco” (it was obviously joking). Well, if you want me to be honest, I really wasn’t because she kind of is a thot. Anyways, she then followed up by questioning “how?” I then impulsively responded with an answer that she did not like because she got a lot of shit for it all last year. I am not going to say what she did because that is not right. And when she told me all the shit she got for it I felt extremely bad and wish I didn’t say that in the first place. So I made it up to her with helping her ask my mans to homecoming. And in deed he said yes. I mean it wasn’t as cute as mine for Cait Beck but.. I guess it was cool.

  3. I'm not calling myself a perfect person but it's hard to recall the last time I've done something mean or unforgivable to someone else the only people I seem to get mad enough to do something wrong to would be my parents. I would have to dig back to my earliest memories when I was maybe 2. I had a brand new baby sister and originally I was the only child on the house, so this was new for me. My parents gave her so much attention and it made me furious, because of this for some reason I had this idea to hit my mother. One day when my mother was on the couch holding my baby sister I jumped up on the couch and slapped her across my her face and said I hate you really loud.... I only vividly rememberer beating my ass afterwords. There was absolutely no reward except maybe getting my point across to my mother I don't think it was worth it but that's all I could probably do since I was only 2. Now the meanest thing I've ever said to someone is well kind of hard to find for me also. I don't really talk to a whole lot of people and I've said plenty of things about others but never to their face other than that I'm very good at keeping my mouth shut. Worst I've probably said was maybe call a friend a "bitch" if they were to scared to do something but mostly it's jokingly and they understand that also if for some reason I did hurt them I would always apologize and promise never to do it again. Definitely I would have a do over for slapping my mom it's very wrong and is a scarred memory from my past and I would enjoy it much if I had done something better.

  4. Being that I am who I am… having to think of the worst thing I’ve ever done to someone is hard to say the least. Even when I'm angry or frustrated or even sad, I rarely take it out on people and that's the only time I even come close to being mean to people. So if I were to think of the worst thing I've done to someone, it would be when I was a part of a group of people that were bullying someone in school. Although I wasn't THE bully, I was still associated with them so I was at fault as well. I consider this the worst thing I've ever done because bullying, now that I am older and have hindsight, is one of the worst things to happen to someone. It makes you feel unworthy, unwanted, unimportant, and way too many other things to name. I never knew what the results of bullying could be until now that I’m older. And I can’t believe I would ever engage in anything like it. I was young and stupid and following the cool people to have a bit of fun, but it wasn’t worth it. The consequences and the sacrifices weren’t worth it either. Nothing is worth making someone feel so horrible about themselves and being so mean to someone. The reward I got out of it was a little laugh. A little laugh because we made fun of someone and bullied them for something they can’t even control, or for something they accepted and enjoyed. A little laugh was NOT worth any of it.

    I would have to say the worst thing I've ever said to someone was when I told my mom I hated her and I told her I meant it. I said this out of anger, of course, but I honestly think this is one of the worse things I've ever done.
    Now it might sound silly bc I don't actually hate my mom, but could you imagine being in my moms position? The child you birthed, raised, taught, and love unconditionally telling you they hate you… no matter if it was out of spite or just a lie, it hurts more than ever. I consider this the worst thing I've done because it hurt someone I love very much. Anything else I've ever done doesn't compare to the outcome of this situation. The biggest consequence of this was how much I hurt my mom. Well actually that's hard to answer. I got punished really bad so it's a combination of that and hurting my mom. I totally did not enjoy the outcome of this… hence why I've never ever done it ever again. The sacrifice was NOT worth the punishment and the hurt I caused my mom. Of course I never actually hated her, but the second I told her I did it hurt her so badly and it wasn't worth it, I should've just put my big girl panties on and dealt with the situation instead of saying mean things to get out of it, when it only actually got me in more trouble.
    If I could go back and change either one of these things, I would have to go back and change the way I talked to my mom. Although no kid deserves to be bullied, no mom EVER deserves to hear the words “I hate you” from their child. It’s one of those things that can’t be taken back. The child you birthed, take care of, feed, bathe, and love should be the last to tell you those hurtful words. It’s just simply unfair, ya know. Especially when it’s a lie, but it’s said to hurt, that’s the worst. Because I don’t hate my mom, and never have in the past. The only reason I said it was to get back at her and that’s even worse than being told someone hates you, even if it were to be true.

  5. I feel like I haven’t done a lot of bad things in my life, so this took me awhile to think about. So,I’ll write about the thing that I regret the most. The thing that I regret the most is not spend enough time with my grandpa as a kid. Every morning over the summer, I went to my grandpa's house, but I didn’t spend time with him. Instead I just listened to music and watched TV with my sister. I consider this the thing that I regret the most because I didn’t really get to know him. I spent a little bit of time with him, but I should have listened to his war stories and asked him questions about his time in the service. I regret this the most because I won’t be able to ask him all of the questions that I wanted too. He passed away in September 2015. I learned that spending time with loved ones is crucial, and I should try and spend time with all the people that I care about. The reward was not worth the consequence because now I have to live with a guilty conscience because I didn’t spend much time with him.

    The meanest thing that I’ve ever said was probably during one of my fights with my mom. It was probably something along the lines of “I hate you, you’re not my mother.” I said this because I was angry that she was drunk and complaining about everything I do and my dad does. The outcome was that I had to call my dad to pick me up, and I had to live with him for a little while. The outcome wasn’t bad because my mom got over it a few days later and everything was okay again.

    If I could redo one thing, I would spend more time with my grandparents. Right now I have one living grandparent, but she can’t hold a conversation. I want to visit her, but I would only sit there. She probably wouldn’t recognize me at first. After not seeing her for this past year she definitely wouldn’t recognize me. I would kill to have a conversation with either of my grandfathers to hear about their childhoods and just about their life in general. Now I won’t get a chance, so I’ll have to listen to the stories that they told my father.

  6. There are not too many things that I have done to people that hurt them...that I know of. But if I were to choose one thing, I’d say it would be not giving someone a fair shot. When making the decision to end things with someone, depending on how long and well you know that person, there may be many things that you have to consider. Looking back, I may have made a big mistake, I guess I will never know. But I hurt a girl’s feeling really bad when I ended things with her. Like I said, I'm not sure that it was a mistake, but I do know that I hurt her. I consider it so bad because I feel like I did not give her a chance. The reward of doing this was obviously that I got out of the relationship, it was bound to happen one way or another so I guess it was worth the reward, it just sounds bad saying it like that though.

    I do not really say mean things to people, even when I am fighting with someone, I just don’t talk to them and they normally come to me. This is probably because I am not good at getting underneath people’s skin so when I try to be mean, it doesn’t work. However, when my sister and I fight, I say some mean shit. The worst thing that I have ever said to her is probably that she is a bitch and doesn’t have any friends and she was a mistake and no one wants her around. Obviously these things are not true but in the heat of the moment I said them. The outcome was probably her saying something stupid back like, shut your face. She is not good with comebacks either.

    If I had a do over, I would not have ended things with the girl, at least not the way that I did. It was not the right way to do things and if I could go back, there are so many better ways I could have done it.

  7. I was so dumb when I was younger. I did something so wrong. Back in middle school, I told my classmates secret to a person, which later spread around the entire class . I believe it was a about a boy crush. All I remember were the tough consequences. Karma got me right away. That day, my classmate, found out that her secret got around and knew it was me. We were in the library when this happened, working on a class project. She came up to me yelling, and yelling at me, calling me names, “backstabber” which she said repeatedly, making a huge scene for the whole class and teacher to see. Of course, I was embarrassed and felt ashamed of what I’ve done. My classmates stared at me, while whispering to others about what happened. I knew they were talking about me, not her, since I was at wrong here. I wasn’t so great at keeping secrets then, sometimes I would spill without intending to. I believe this was the case of the situation. That girl happened to be on my bus, so the whole bus ride home until her stop, all she did was attack me with names, including curse words, making me feel like I wanted to kill myself, honestly. She was that mean. I thought I deserved it. I definitely did deserve to pay the consequences because I hurt her and what I did was terribly wrong, but the way she face my consequences was to the extreme. I started to feel depressed. I didn't want to go to school for a good 2 weeks because I thought my friends and my whole class would hate me and only say things behind my back. I feared facing that girl the next day with her hurtful words. I cried immensely that day. I’ve learned my lesson big time and I’ve never forgotten it since.

    Now, I don’t really say things mean to people’s faces. But I guess the meanest thing I’ve ever said to someone was to my brother. Me and my brother constantly fight. When we were younger it was even worse, because we would sometimes get physical, not like beating each other up. We would always call each other childish names. Now a days, we sometimes curse at each other to be honest. One time, he did something that made me furious and I said to him, “I fcking hate you, I wish you were never born!” I dislike him, but I really don’t hate him because he’s my brother and we’ve had good times along with the bad. He can be sweet and cool a lot of the times. It’s just our personalities are so different, therefore we bump heads and start attacking each other. All in all, I love my brother because i wouldn’t be where I am today without him in my life.

    If I had the chance to go back in time to redo one of these situations, I would go back to when I told my classmates secret because I lost someone's trust. That’s a horrible feeling. Not only did I lose her trust, but the trust of the rest of my class.

    If I could, I would also redo the time I said a "I hate him and wish he was never born" to my brother, but he knows I love him and will always love him. He knows I never meant that.

  8. Honestly, the worst thing that I ever did to someone wasn’t really an action, but rather the way I acted, and sadly still act today. My dad has always been this annoyance in my life who is always there bothering me at the most inconvenient times. He’s not necessarily a bad father in the way that he does try to talk to me about my life and my future and does try to spend time with me. And, that’s when I do the worst thing to him. I don’t put forward the same effort back. I find him to be constantly irritating in the way that the only conversation he tries to have with me about is school and how I’m doing. I only see him once a week due to the fact that he works in New York, but even then I could still put the effort into asking him about how his projects are going. Not to mention, he does try to spend time with me through little things like going out for lunch or offering to go out and do things. But, since I’ve been pushing him away since I was little, I still automatically do that. I continuously shut down his offers due to the fact that I know how awkward it would be just having one-on-one time with him. My logic as a child that now has turned into a habit is that if I don’t get close to him then when he’s always gone, I won’t care where he is or what he’s doing. It is obvious that this is a really bad way of looking at things because it has led me to not have a solid relationship with my father. Plus, in that sense, that is also a consequence. A relationship with my father is something that I have sacrificed in order to get my “reward” of apathy towards his actions (I know apathy is bad ☹) and my freedom from his annoyance. And of course sacrificing a working relationship with my father is definitely not worth having to ignore him and feel annoyed by him. While, he does have his major, major flaws (such as terrible mannerism, demanding personality, money management problem, etc.) he is still my dad, and I know he loves me through the way he tries so hard to connect with me, and to a certain extent, I do love him too.
    The meanest thing that I have ever said to someone would definitely have to be towards my brother. When I get angry at him for breaking a promise or doing something that he knows pushes my button, I usually brush my raging anger aside and use more passive aggressive methods such as staying silent and ignoring him for as long as I can. However, one time I was having a really bad day where nothing was going right, so when he refused to take me to the store like he said he would, I snapped. I cursed him out multiple times and continued to scream and freak out on him, and when he just brushed off my anger, it made me even more enraged. And as most of you guys know, I don’t curse because it just makes me feel weird. So, while he continued to ignore my anger, I continued to run rampage around the house until eventually I broke down and cried all out all the bad things.
    It’s no completion to which of the things I would go back and “do over.” I would one hundred percent do over everything about the way I treated my dad and instead try to build a comfortable relationship with him. Having an awkward father-daughter relationship for the rest of your life is way worse than an expression of anger in a moment of weakness. While I can always apologize to my brother after screaming at him, I can’t rebuild a relationship that doesn’t exist. In the end, doing over the relationship I have with my dad would definitely benefit me more than never having said those words to my brother.

  9. This question was pretty hard, not going to lie. But I do recall a time where I wasn’t the nicest person. And I felt really really bad afterwards. But it happened, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I believe I was in 3nd grade. There was this girl at my school. She wasn’t new or anything. She wasn’t even in my class. But I always saw her at recess, all alone and sad. So one day, I invited her over to play with me and my group of friends. She seemed fine to me. But I guess my friends didn’t like her because a couple days later, they stopped playing with us. I was kind of offended. I said, and I quote, “Friends don’t just ditch friends like that”. So I went up to them and confronted them. They said it was because the new girl was weird, that they didn’t like hanging out with her. And next thing I know, they were telling me all this bad stuff about her. And slowly but surely, I believed them. They were my friends, and I trusted them. Because that’s what you do right? You follow your friends? So I ditched her the next day. That wasn’t even the worst part. The next day, she came up to me with the biggest grin on her face and I just flat out said, “Sorry, I don’t really want to play with you anymore”. All she did was frown and walk away. I’m sure at 7 or 8 years old, that hurts. I felt so bad afterwards. I think that was the first time I emotionally hurt someone. And hurting someone emotionally is the worst feeling in the world. I felt like the bad guy. I hated it. I was disgusted with myself. But what is done, is done.

    The meanest thing I’ve ever said was probably during my sophomore year when I sent that email to Ms. Robbins. My first two years of class were horrible because of her. It was around election time and I just got so fed up with how she was treating my friends, I grabbed my laptop and I started typing. It was supposed to be professional, but um… that didn’t happen. I called her childish and lazy and told her that she was unfit to be an advisor. I even called her out on her shoe business. I don’t know, I just said a bunch of things that I probably should’ve have said. I was at home, sick, while my friends were here, at school, being attacked for doing absolutely nothing. Emotions were all over the place and I just had to do something. But thank god I did because as of now, she’s no longer our class advisor.

    I’m a huge believer in the whole “everything happens for a reason” type thing. Although I wish I could’ve done things differently, I wouldn’t go back and do them over. Even if I was granted the power to do so, I still wouldn’t. All of these experiences, all of these mistakes-- they make you who you are. Because of this, because the way everything played out, I’m the person I am today. And I’m pretty darn proud of the person I am today.

  10. In my life time of about seventeen years, I definitely know I have made a lot of mistakes. But trying to recall the worst thing I have ever done to someone is hard. I know I most likely have done some pretty harsh things to people, but I cannot remember any of the worst things. I most likely cannot remember because either it was so mean I blocked it out of my memory, or I honestly have never done anything awful to anyone. However, I can remember mean things I have said to people. But the meanest things I have said to others are probably calling them mean names. For example, either calling someone stupid or an idiot, but the only reason I probably called them that was because I was either annoyed or really tired and cranky, because at those moments I become the meanest and worst version of myself.

    You should always be the best version of yourself, even at your lowest moments, because when you are, then your true self can pull through. That is why doing or saying awful things to other people is absolutely disgusting because neither one of them gets anything out of it. You have one person truly hurt and another being a horrible human being who has no worth unless he or she hurts someone else. Bullying or pressuring someone is the absolute worst thing you can do in your life. You only have one life and you are going to waste it by upsetting others for no reason? There will never be a “reward” or “satisfaction” for causing pain to someone else. But there will be consequences because karma works in the favor of the good and will eventually punish the bad.

    I would definitely go back in time and fix all of the mean things I have said to people. I have no doubt in my mind that I would do that because one of my regrets is being mean to others for no reason. No one deserves to be called mean names or made fun of because everyone is different and you never know what someone can be going through. One little thing you say to someone as a “joke” can be interpreted another way by the recipient, and something so little as you think can be the tipping point for that person. Therefore, even if it takes great restraint on your part, just remember to always be kind and spread the love.

  11. Looking back, it’s hard to pinpoint an exact memory of a time when I purposefully and consciously did something bad to someone else, probably because at the time of any past incident I most likely never noticed that what I was doing was even wrong in the first place. However, I did something sophomore year that I really regret; I refused to stick up for my best friend when she was being bullied for her liberal opinions. I’ll admit that I was a vastly different person at the beginning of sophomore year than I am now, which I mostly contribute to my completely different environment. As I’ve said before, everyone at my old school is insanely conservative- I wasn’t surprised in the slightest when, a few weeks ago, I scrolled through my insta feed to find dozens of pictures of my old friends and acquaintances wearing Trump shirts (it was ‘Merica day for spirit week, so naturally everyone decided that they needed to “Make America Great Again”). I was even more shook (for lack of a better word) when I was perusing twitter the other day and saw that my old elementary school friend tweeted out something about “America needing Trump” to “fix our economy”- I loled to myself because 1) I don’t think she realizes that Trump is a failed businessman who can’t handle his own businesses, let alone the American economy and 2) because I wondered what it must be like to enjoy such a high standard of white privilege that your only concern for the future is whether or not you’ll be able to live the same lifestyle as your rich parents in a rich neighborhood surrounded by other white, rich, and oblivious people LOLOLOOLLOLOL. MIGHT I JUST ADD that EVERYONE voted the ONLY 2 BLACK PEOPLE IN MY SCHOOL (a boy and a girl) AS HOMECOMING KING AND QUEEN BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY, THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE PUTTING ON A SHOW. PEOPLE. LIKE. THIS. EXIST. IN. THE. WORLD. I’m getting heated just typing this but anyway, the conservatism in that area is literally suffocating and although I didn’t full heartedly agree with the conservative opinions of my peers while attending that school, my morals and the things I fervently believe in today were definitely impacted because I was afraid that voicing my actual opinion would only lead to social isolation (not only was I afraid, but also naive because the opinions of others greatly influenced my own- I can’t help but cringe when I think back to freshman year when my class had a debate on abortion and I chose the pro-life said, claiming adoption to be the ultimate solution). So it wasn’t surprising when my best friend received a ton of shit after tweeting something about “American Sniper” and how both the movie and the book perpetuate islamophobia, or discrimination against Muslims. People mercilessly attacked not only her opinion, but her looks and personality as well. The whole school, and I literally mean the WHOLE school was on twitter that night tweeting hateful things to her for merely expressing an unpopular opinion. Not only were their counter arguments harsh, but illogical as well; they accused her of making the up word “Islamophobia” for the sole purpose of offending white people, even though “Islamophobia” is included in the Oxford dictionary and is clearly defined as the “dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force”.

    1. The people she sat with at lunch told her that she was no longer welcome at their table, the friends she talked to in class refused to acknowledge her presence for the rest of the year, and it seemed like I was the only friend she had left; Yet I refused to intervene or stand up for her when she asked me for help. I told her “Well if you’re gonna tweet something that controversial, you’d better expect that kind of response”, which is basically the equivalent of telling a rape victim that they deserved to be raped because of what they were wearing. My friend became mad at me and refused to talk to me for the following few days, but I deserved it; I went along with the masses, fearing that I would also be attacked and ridiculed if I rushed to her assistance. I stayed silent even though I knew it was wrong because at the time, I was a person who valued social status over the people I cared about. I’m not proud of this situation because it reveals who I used to be. Even though the drama around this incident more or less died down a few weeks later and my friend forgave me,  I’d like to think that if I got the chance for a re-do I’d go back and handle the bullies with grace and style by calling them out on their shit and reducing them to the white supremacist orange Q-tip loving trash cans they are :)

  12. So what’s the worse thing I’ve ever done to someone? Well, I really don’t say or do mean things to people simply because I already have an over whelming sense of guilt, and I give myself a daily review to see if I need to apologize for anything I said that could’ve been offensive or relatively hurtful to anyone. I’ve been thinking about this all week and I still haven’t come up with an answer, I will almost anything to make someone happy and I hate making people sad.
    The worse thing I have ever said to someone had to be when I was like 4 years old or so. I was in an elevator and this large “man” walked in front of me and pushed me into the back corner of the elevator, and when it was time to get off I asked him to move and I guess he didn’t (I was always soft spoken, I use to get yelled at for being loud so now I’m constantly quiet), so I told him to “move, fatass” and that’s all that I really remember about it cause it was so long ago.
    Well, I wouldn’t take anything back because it’s simply not in my nature to do so, I try to learn from everything that happens in my life. If I took them back or had a redo it would go against something I believe, I just have to take responsibility for my actions and suffer the consequences that follows.


  13. The worst thing I’ve ever done to someone is doubt them. When you share a friendship with someone, you’re supposed to trust them and believe in them and support them. If you can’t do that, you might be surrounding yourself with the wrong people. Even with that being said, the worst thing I’ve ever done to someone is doubt them.
    I was friends with a guy throughout middle school and the beginning of high school. He was really my best friend but I don’t like saying that because I don’t like thinking about how strong our friendship was since it no longer exists. He saw me date the assholes I dated. He saw the way my mom abused me and the way people treated me at school and how much I hated myself. He saw me fall into addiction and back out of it and back into it. He saw me weigh too much and too little and almost nothing at all. All he ever wanted to do was make me happy. And, looking back on it now, I realize that he always did. But, at the time, I didn’t. His mom would beg me to come over after school every day because it made him so happy. She came to my house too many times explaining that I was the only person who could convince him to go to school, to lay off drugs, to listen to her, to be himself. She told me, too many times, that he loved me and that our friendship may get rocky but he would always love me.
    I doubted this. I doubted it because he never sugar coated anything and, at the time, I saw it as rude. But it wasn’t. In reality, he knew that the only way to get me to hear anything is to just be as straight forward as possible so that’s what he did. Now, I know that about myself because I came to terms with that after our friendship ended, when I started to miss him and his honesty and loyalty and presence.
    He dedicated all of our time spent together to lifting me up and helping me be strong and all I ever did was doubt him, and avoid acknowledging his feelings towards me, and it probably made him feel like shit. He probably wondered day in and day out why I consistently allowed shitty people to control me, and abuse me, and feel like they had ownership over me. It probably made him wonder why anyone would pick someone so awful over him, especially why I, his best friend, someone he cared about so intensely, would pick someone so awful over him. It probably made him question his worth. That is the worst thing I’ve ever done to anyone. And I know the seriousness of that offence, of making someone question their worth, because I question mine everyday. Maybe that’s karma, or maybe not, but it’s led me to fully accept that I hurt someone just as bad as other people hurt me.
    We don’t talk anymore. On the 4th of July his mom asked me to come over because he was home but right when she told him that I was on my way he slammed his door and didn’t come out the rest of the night. He was just mad about something else that happened, she said. Really, though, he was mad that I even thought I deserved him anymore. And there’s nothing wrong with that because I really don’t deserve him anymore.
    The worst thing I’ve ever said to someone is “I hate you”. Hate means more than anger and red cheeks and tears and heartbreak. Hate means giving up, walking away, erasing someone from your past present and future. I told my mom I hate her. I don’t hate her. I hate the version of her that unintentionally but verbally blames me for everything that stresses her out or makes her feel sick or makes her back hurt. I hate the version of her that promises me, with enthusiasm, that we’ll

    1. go on day trips around the state to see waterfalls and we’ll go see a movie after and maybe get ice cream and then tomorrow we’ll go to the flea market and then maybe next weekend we can go shopping. I hate the version of her that makes promises because that version of her is soon after killed by the version of her that wants me to leave, and locks me out an hour before my curfew, and tells me she is counting down the days until I leave for college if I can even make it that far. I hate the version of her that doesn’t say good morning or goodnight or anything in between because that version of her is too sad to even leave the bedroom. I hate the version of her that hates me. I hate her disorder. I wish I never told her that I hate her because everytime I look at her I feel guilty. She doesn’t even know about the part of her that I hate. She doesn’t acknowledge its existence and now I’m sure she never will. I wish I had the strength to apologize but she wouldn’t even understand what I’m apologizing for because I half meant it. Because her disorder is half of her. I miss the half I used to look up to and defend as a kid. She’s half her past and half her present and I wish I could say this so it actually made sense but it’s hard to type something that’s so hard to understand and accept.
      I would do both things over. Every day, I think about both. Everyday I miss Josh and sometimes I don’t even want to get out of bed because I know I will never find someone like him ever again and maybe I deserve that, like I said. Everyday, I think about all the times he yelled at me as a means to just get through to me and tell me how much better I am than I think I am and I regret brushing it off like he was just being an asshole. Everyday I wish I didn’t hate half of my mom and I wish I never told her that I hate all of her because I don’t. Everyday I think about how I’d do things over but everyday I’m reminded that I can’t and that’s really really really really hard to face and move on from.

  14. The worst thing I’ve ever done to someone is lead them on. Although I didn’t see it at the time, looking back I realized that I was very confused of my own feelings and shouldn’t have led someone to believe that I felt something for them that I was not positive about. At the time, I was caught up with the idea of them rather than the person they actually were. It was wrong to continue talking to them only to hurt them later. I don't necessarily blame myself for this because at the time it did feel right. I won't sit here and feel guilty about it because I never lied to that person, I was just confused. I loved talking to them and they were my best friend so hurting them also hurt me. I don't purposely do things to hurt people and whenever I'm wrong, I will admit to it. I apologized for playing with this person’s emotions and was sorry that my emotional instability was at their expense. All in all, I learned not to tell someone I felt a certain way towards them until I was certain.

    The meanest thing I've ever said to someone was a joke. I told my sister that if a blind person read her forehead as Braille, it would spell “loser.” This was quite funny at the time and we still joke about it to this day but I shouldn't have said it because I knew she was self-conscious about her pimples. I don't make jokes about people's insecurities any longer.

    No, I wouldn't go back and do any do-overs. I'm content with my life now, I've learned from my mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. I don't need a do-over to make me feel better about these situations, I will just always know how to be a better person from here on out.

  15. I really try to not say mean things to people. So this is kinda hard but maybe because I don't recognize that I'm being mean sometimes??? I don't really know. The worst thing I think I've done to someone is lead them on and then make it their fault. I was very young and its really irrelevant now. I led this kid on that was "in love" with me for so long. I even dated him at one point but broke up with him after 3 weeks because I really did not like him at all. I still talked to him as a friend. I didn't really have anyone else or I did but I didn't get the attention like that so I sued him to hear the things I wanted to hear. This is typical. But I'm not that kind of girl and this wasn't even that extreme but it still matters, especially to him. I complain about how boys are fck bois when I technically was being a "fck girl". Its so sad. I hate when people do this to people. There was nothing great about this. In the moment I was just gassed and he thought I was his girlfriend or something. He's still hurt by this and I feel so bad. It was not worth it. His family is close with mine and everything so it just makes it awkward. I try and forget means things I've said to people but the worst thing Ive said to someone was "Die." That is by all means crazy. I wish I never said it. I was so mad in the moment. I would redo both. No one deserves to be treated bad. I would honestly say something harmful to the person told to die but not those words. Life is way to quick and unexpected to say things like that.

  16. I hate bringing back bad memories because my brain locked all of them in an imaginary safe for a reason. Anyway, the worst thing I did to someone was giving bad advice about love. A boy came to me asking advice about relationships and love. Yes, a boy came up to me looking for love advice. It sounds crazy coming to me for love advice. Back on topic, the boy came up to me because he has a crush on one of my friends. He seen me talk with her a lot and he wants me to hook him up with her. He normally behave quietly and shy like he doesn’t talk to no one. When he was talking to me, he spoke with passionate tone. Like he really like this girl and the feeling of love gave him a motivation and a joy feeling. I told him to do what is best and go for it. That was totally a horrible advice. From my advice, he intercepted as to ask her out on a date right away. The bad thing is that both of them never really met each other. So it ended with a rejection due to my friend not knowing anything about the boy and that he started way too fast in dating a girl. After that, he became his normal quiet self again. Even it is also his fault for not showing his presence to the girl, I felt that I was also to blame.Because of the rejection, I blame myself for it and this is something that will stick to my heart forever. He listened and followed my advice which lead to him getting rejected. I don’t have love experiences so I should have told him to ask someone else, but I didn’t. I saw his passionate smile transform into a sad frown. This wouldn’t have happened if I just shut my mouth and tell the boy to ask someone else. My inexperience and dumb advice changed his love life and I regret it. Because of this, I don’t fully love myself and stay away from love situations.

    I would automatically ask for a redo on that incident. It pains me that I caused a conflict to people which could lead them to get hurt. It angers and torments me so much. There is numerous ways the boy could have avoided that incident, but I believe the best one is to give him a different piece of advice. I would have said “Don’t go too fast with a girl. Take it slow by getting to know them and become their friend. The rest was act naturally by you.”. This gives the boy more knowledge on what girls are like and if my friend is the right girl for him.

  17. I’m generally a nice and good person, so I don’t really do bad things to people. I feel like there is something I have done that is really bad, but at the same time I feel as though if it was that bad, I would remember it. Actually nevermind I remember.

    In 6th grade I was bad kid. This probably had a lot to do with the influences I had on me, but I don’t like to make excuses so let’s say I really was bad person. I had 2 disciplinary referrals that year, my only 2 referrals my entire life. Both of which were my fault and I was being mean, I didn’t see it at the time, but now I understand.

    First, there was a kid who was kind of off. I don’t think he had a mental disorder because he was in my classes but he was just a little weird and socially awkward. I don’t want this blog to be all stories I’ll say he made me mad, so when I saw him in the hallway, I gave him one of those shoulder bumps bullies give the little kids when I saw him in the hallway. Clearly I was not very good at that, cause we got tangled up together and he pushed me and we got in a little fight. I pushed him and hit him once, we both got one day of ISS for fighting. The discipline wasn’t that bad but I just look back like why the hell did i do that. Tf is wrong with 6th grade me.

    Second, this one is a little more fuzzy in my memory. I remember we were all on the bus and there we’re 3 of us making fun of one kid. I really just hate to talk about this cause I feel terrible, but I thought it was cool to make fun of this kid with my “friends” and it really hurt this kid. Sorry Robbie, you still bms to this day, but you didn’t and still don’t deserve that.

    Worst thing I’ve ever said, “kill yourself” I’ve never said i in a serious manner before, I’ve never said it to anybody in anything less or more than a joke, but it’s not a joke. It should never be said. It’s ridiculous that people still say it, and I feel bad that i was ever a person who used that “joke.”

    I would want to just not have not done any of these things. I feel really bad now this blog got me thinking I really aren’t a good person. Just know I’ve changed. I’m not that guy anymore I promise.

  18. This question ugh.. Makes me thinks of little sophomore abby lol. Yeah that little bitch. She ended two of her friends relationships. That is probably the worst thing I’ve ever done. I don’t even need to explain because I think you can guess the story. Little abby got convinced into kissing a boy that her friend liked. It sounds dumb now and frankly we laugh about it, but the fact that it happened twice with two different friends I think makes it the worse thing I’ve ever done. I hate talking about it because I do not really know what I was thinking. But honestly it’s all okay now because I am still friends with those people and it was soo long ago where we just laugh over it because it is irrelevant. But honestly that is it. I don’t want to sound conceited but I don’t really do mean things to anyone and I haven’t really done a lot. With that being said I do not really know the meanest thing I have ever said to someone. Maybe like “F U” but that is kind of it. I’ve never really had an experience where I said horrible things to someone. I definitely say mean things to myself or behind someone’s back but never directly to them. I do not think I would ever go back and fix my mistakes because it made me realize how immature and how shitty of a friend I was. All my mistakes blossomed me into the person I am now. -so sorry this is late again friday I planned to do it but you know how my friday was going @soccer and me dying :)

  19. The worst thing I have ever done to someone? Ugh, I don't know but I'll be honest and put it on the line. I think the worst thing I have ever done to someone is leave them out. Feeling alone and being left out is the shittiest feeling in the world and I know I 100% did it when I was friends with the people I used to be friends with. I know I have done bad things like lie to my mom, kiss boys I shouldn't, lead people on, the usual but leaving a person out is something I wish I could take back. I don't know why I (or my other friends) where getting at when we would leave certain friends out but there definitely isn't a reward or nice outcome. At least not for me. I don't like hurting people and I guess at the time I thought it was funny or cool but it's not. And it never will be. No one deserves to feel alone.
    The meanest thing I have ever said to someone? Oh jeez, I have said a lot of mean things to people but most of the time they deserve it. I have a horrible attitude and a good way at telling people off, so when I'm mean they usually deserve it. But one time I told my mom that I wish my dad would divorce her. That was definitely the meanest thing I have ever said because my mom didn't deserve that. I didn't mean it then and I sure as hell still don't, it was just one of those in the moment mean things.
    If I could redo one of these it would definitely be my situation with my mom. She didn't deserve to hear me say that and even though I didn't mean it I know it hurt her. Everyone regrets something and it's just stuff we have to live with. You live and you learn.

  20. I guess sometimes in life you do shit and it is wrong no matter what. I guess sometimes you do stuff and it is only wrong to one person. The worst thing I have ever done to someone happens to be my lil brother, the dancer, Thomas Van. I ruined so many things for him.
    I guess I always knew our family was fucked up and I wish I talked to him more, I wish I was his family more. I wish that I was there for him, I wish I didn't leave him. I wish I never put him in a spot where he had to be on my side or my mom's side. I wish it wasnt like this.
    Instead my brother will probably end up like most Asian boys. Pretty secluded and inlove with his games and his mom.
    Instead he will pick games over his feelings.
    I don't know I wish I didn't make him like that.
    I wish I was there.
    I Picked me, as for my "reward" I don't know if that is a bad thing just something that came along with something that I hope he does.
    I hope he just deals with it though, my family that is, until he is 18. I don't know. I wish I was a good sister to the boy I miss the most.

  21. I’m honestly so freaking upset and mad because I’m late on my blog YET AGAIN. But it’s really my fault because I listened to someone who said there wasn’t one it was a week to catch up. To be honest I should’ve checked and looked sooner. Well, better late than never am I right? The worst thing I’ve ever done to someone? I’m trying so hard to really think of this. I used to live in Evergreen in Timberglen. And on my bus I had my best friend/ soul sister Nne. So that being said of course we sat together on the bus. We sat in a three seater even though there was only two of us, and in front of us this girl Bailey sat. For some reason I had a big can of hairspray and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And honestly I’m so disgusted even talking about this because I realized a little after it happened, and now that I’m older how immature and just plain out disgusting what I did was. But we sprayed a bunch of hairspray into the cap and then put it on top of her head. Then Nne put some of the sandwich on her too. At the time we laughed about it and that was my reward. Laughter. Humor. But then later on that day when I sat at home, I really said to myself, “Angela wtf”. After realizing what I did and how mean it was the next day I apologized to her. I was so sad that I even did that to her, and if I was sad and I was the one doing it- I couldn’t even image how she felt. Now that I’m older and looking back at this I realized that I bullied her. And I’m so mad at the younger me for bullying someone because I stand here today strongly against bullying. I literally stand up for anyone who gets bullied, and the people who typically get bullied I am friends with since not a lot of people are. Bullying someone was not worth my laughter, at all.

  22. The meanest thing I’ve ever said to someone? Oh god. Taking me all the way back to memory lane. At one point my mother and father were going to get a divorce. My mom moved out of the house and my brother and I went with her. We had to go stay with my Aunt Kim (god mom) two sisters, and at the time my aunts annoying grimy crusty boyfriend Dave. I was so mad, sad, and I felt so guilty about the entire situation. I felt guilty and mad because my parents put me in such a hard place where I had to choose who to stay with. My dad ended up finding a cheap apartment in Egg Harbor City and my aunt lived in Victoria Pointe. My dad works night shift so he leaves the house at 3pm and comes home at 1am. There was no way I was going to have rides all the way to EHC after all my practices. So I had to choose to live with my mom. So right there I already had anger built up at my mom because she knew that taking Andrew and I from my dad would hurt him tremendously, and she still did it. Then on top of it she suddenly had a “high school friend” that she talked to all the time, and even started to go out places with. Now, I’m not stupid. I can put two and two together. From seeing her phone light up with the name Felipe, to the long hidden talks on the phone, to her suddenly going to Philly to see her friend Marcy, EVEN THOUGH Marcy didn’t live in Philly, Felipe did (I know this because I did some stalking/research on my moms facebook page and seen a picture of him and her and he was tagged so I went on his profile and found out where he lived), to listening in on her conversations, literally everything I knew something was up. I was beyond furious with my mom. How could she automatically be okay with leaving the love her life who she’s been with since she was 17 and talk to another guy, while my dad locked himself in the bathroom and hysterically cried himself to sleep? She would tell my sister Adrianna stuff and not me, and one time while Andrew and I had to stay in the house for New Year's Eve he was at my Aunt’s house and everyone was partying. I was furious and whenever I brought up the subject or even the name Felipe she would shut me down. I remember feeling so hurt and mad that I told her I hated her. To me, saying you hate someone is really serious. If I’m getting close to the “hate” level, I’ll just say I strongly dislike you rather than I hate you. Anyways, I remember saying this to my mom and my mom crying thinking she was a horrible mother. Which she’s not, she’s truly incredible and I’m very lucky to have her as my mom. (Speaking of Felipe I just got side tracked because I just found his instagram and looked at everything).

  23. I would go back and change saying I hate you to my mom. Because I don’t hate her and I’m lucky to have a mom that cares and does so much for me. I wish I just said “I strongly dislike you right now”, or something along those words. I know I really hurt her and made her question her motherhood lifestyle and I didn’t mean to do that. I wouldn’t change the bullying experience even though I want to, because it’s helped shaped me into who I am today. Without it I wouldn’t stand against bullying as much as I do now, and I would be one of those snobby kids who doesn’t talk to someone because they’re the outcast, fat, etc.


  24. I think the worst thing I've ever done to someone is give up on them. People need other people to push them to do better and I didn't do that. I could have stayed longer and just stuck it out but I didn't. I made someone feel like they weren't enough and that wasn't right. In turn I was better off without them even though they weren't better off without me. I am happier now that they're not in my life and I get to do a lot more with myself than when I was with them. I don't know if it was worth it. My happiness is important to me but someone's life completely changed without me in it and definitely not for the better. If I could have changed their outcome I should have. I can be mean when I'm really angry. It's only happens a few times in my life but the things I say are pretty horrible. It's not that they're not true...I could just be more sensitive about how I say them. The outcome is normally me losing a friend but sometimes I didn't want or need that person anyway. I probably wouldn't be as mean in either situation if I could go back, maybe I would try to work things out again but I'm not sure I would want to be stuck in the same problems with the same people over and over like I was.

  25. I really am uncomfortable with thinking about this and putting it online but i mean oh well. i think the worst thing ive ever done to someone was not be there for them. god dammit the tears are already started. ugh get yourself together lexi. Okay so i wish i was there for my mom when she needed me and alot of the time i blame myself for not being with her more and being there for her more because no one else believes in her but i do and no one deserves to feel alone regardless if i feel alone she doesn't deserve that, no one does. i regret now and always will regret not helping her more and when she dies i'm only going to regret it more no doubt about it. not being there for my mother and not stopping her when i had the chance and not speaking up is the worst thing i've ever done because it didn't just effect her and me but everyone around us both and i know i could've done more and that its too late and i wish i cold apologize to her but i know it would mean nothing.
    The meanest thing i've ever said to someone was to my mother when i said "I wish you were normal, i wish i had a normal mommy" she did bad stuff that night and probably would've __'d if i didn't knock the door down to hug her and tell her it'll be okay and take care of her that night. I know why i said it, because its how i feel a lot of the time, i wish i had a normal family. if i could go back id speak up to my family and my mother and help her and everyone else and i wouldnt have said those harsh words to my mother because she doesnt need that negativity. ill continue to be her rock and keep positivity in her life no matter the circumstances. I dont say or do anything to anyone i wouldnt want done or said to me.

  26. I do not even need to think hard about the worst thing I have ever done to someone because I know; I've known what I have done. I still know yet I do not act, making all my actions even worse. I had a good friend, I had a best friend. I had a friends family that I considered my family but due to my actions they no longer are that. When a problem occurs and you do not do anything, you do not put in your two sense, you do not even care to listen to both sides of the story that is when you yourself become a problem. Acting as if something never happened changes nothing and does not make you even an okay person. Staying out of it is just as bad as picking a side, by doing so you are saying that you don't care to listen to either that is like saying well it's not my problem so who cares. I have done so. Shitty decisions call for shitty results. I may have hurt that girls life more than actual problem did. It is bad enough to be going through something as horrific as she was and then to not have a friend stick by your side well that makes it a hundred times worse. I hurt someone on a whole new level that is not okay consequently leaving us both screwed up. I was selfish and had little regard for the emotions of others. No reward was gained, not right away, not now, not with time, no reward comes from bad decisions.

    I've said so many mean things that I do not know which is the worst. I regret them all, there is not one that I can validify even now. When I argue with family I say the things that know will hit them. I say what I know will end it all, what will make us just have to walk away from each other because the disgust is unfathomable. I know why I do it and it does not make the feeling of regret after doing so any better. I don’t know how to win intellectually so I hit people too hard where I know it will hurt and I know I have a tendency of taking it too far and some day that is really going to come back to bite me in the ass. Bad deeds, bad acts, bad decisions always have bad outcomes.

    God, if I could have a do over. Dear Lord I wouldn't even hesitate to get my friend back. Doing so is getting my family back. I chose a family when I chose to not choose a side, my oblivion answered for me.

    Reset buttons do not exist for a reason. That being said I hate the way some things in life have had to happen and I hate who some people have become and I hate just hate the way some things are. But if we change them well I do not know. I just hate that we live in a world that allows us to regret so much. Now here I am again trying to ignore problems because if they do not exist I do not have to fix them. But I guess, that's one privilege of the life I live. I may never have to come face to face with my real demons and as blindly as I may live being blind may be the only thing keeping me going.

    So I guess it is okay not to want a reset button then if we all live with this idea that reset buttons would surface more problems than we ever needed to think about.

  27. Looking back I don't really know where to look where I did something wrong to someone. I try my best to be kindhearted to people so I don't really know where to look. Umm, I guess the worst thing I cold foo to someone is make a promise that I can't keep. If you really know me you'd know that I wouldn't make any promises to anyone unless I was able to meet the requirements of that promise. Other than this I don't think I've done a thing bad to someone.

  28. I'm angry. Okay. But here's my response.

    The worst thing I have ever done to someone was something that I did to myself. I gave up on myself and forgot how to have self respect. When someone is treating you like a worthless piece of shit and only benefits you negatively.. you need to walk away. I never understood this and I still do not. I let myself fall for lies over and over again. I continue to put myself through obstacles that I don't deserve to be facing. There is so much opportunity in this world and if someone cant grasp the concept of how to treat you correctly then you should respect yourself enough to walk away. I'm trying to figure this out. Letting go is extremely difficult but putting yourself first is much more important. Ive forgotten who I am because of this and have lost many people. Even though it has helped me see some true colors I regret having to see them this way. I should have been strong enough to walk away when I saw the first signs of him not treating me the way I should've been treated. I should have left as soon as he started to drain my happiness away. I should have realized that I owed it to myself to find better and genuine happiness. I let myself stay in a toxic relationship until it ruined me and that's why the worst thing I have ever done was something I did to myself.

    The worst thing I've ever said to someone was when I found out that Id been cheated on. I regret the things I said because when you say mean things to someone its only really showing who you are as a person. I let anger take over and I completely lashed out. I messaged the girl and said the most hateful things I could think of. Was she showing shitty character when she did the things she did? Hell yes. But it doesn't make an excuse for my words. I called her names like whore and slut. Horrible mean things came out of my mouth that I wish never had. When I said these things to her I was only stooping down to a low level. No matter if someone lies to you, or hurts you... you should never stoop to a level where you're spreading the hate that their mean actions put in your heart. Words should be used only to spread love and even though some situations make it extremely hard to bite your tongue.. I truly believe that.

    If I could go back, I would never let that person back into my life after he did me wrong the first time. When people don't care about you, they show you through their actions. I was too stubborn to realize that what was true, was always right in front of my face. When you value something, you do things to keep it in your life. He showed me so many times that I had little to no value in his eyes. If I could go back and tell myself to walk away because it would have saved me from this much pain... I would.
